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Alaïa's outfit/ hairstyle

Alaïa's outfit/ hairstyle

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The Abattoir

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The Abattoir

Klaus: [Enters the living room, talking to Freya] Rebekah and Kol just landed. I just assured them we're mere moments from returning our brother to life. Don't make me a liar.

Freya: I can't resurrect Elijah until I'm certain his mind is whole.

Klaus: Well, you saved Finn with that very trinket. What's the problem?

Freya: When that pendant was shattered, Elijah's mind shattered with it. He's most likely retreated to the innermost of his consciousness.

Hayley: How do we find that?

Freya: I don't know. It could be anywhere in over a thousand years of memories, but if I try fixing the pendant before finding him and healing his mind; he'll be permanently fractured, like casting a broken bone before it's been properly set.

Klaus: Spare me the medical analogies and fix him.

Freya: I need to go inside and find him. Once I'm sure his mind is stable, then I can fix the pendant.

Klaus: Well, then stop talking and get in there.

Alaïa: Klaus? Take a walk, get some air. Let her work. Please.

Hayley [to Freya] Please tell me that you can do this.

Freya: He's my brother. I'm not gonna stop until he's safe.

French Quarter

[At an outdoor market, two females are buying flowers. As a male salesperson puts back rest of the flowers, they are seen wilting. The Hollow is seen back in her original body, is walking through the area. More flowers wilted as she continues to walk.]

Klaus: I never told you... but over countless years, you have meant so much to me. You have been a redeemer, a confidant, a mentor, a rival... and a friend. And at times, yes, you've been... a royal pain in the ass. Now look at you. I'm so sorry. My brother. This will not be your end. I will not rest until I bring you back. No matter how many I have to kill to insure it.

Alaïa Gilbert //The Vampire DairiesWhere stories live. Discover now