The Ties That Bind

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Alaïa's outfit/ hairstyle

Alaïa's outfit/ hairstyle

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Hope's outfit/ hairstyle

Hope's outfit/ hairstyle

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Gilbert Residence

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Gilbert Residence

[Bonnie and Elena are searching through a pile of driver license records for Bonnie's mother Abby. They're looking through the records of everyone who is named Abby Bennett as Hope and Alaïa were both sleeping on the couch with a blanket around them.]

Bonnie: [ looks over at Alaïa and Hope and smiles] they're so adorable.

Elena: [ smiles] I know. Los Alamitos?

[Elena gives Bonnie the record for a woman named Abby Bennett Wilson.]

Bonnie: Too old.

Elena: Honolulu?

Bonnie: I wish. How many of these are there?

Elena: A lot. I asked the sheriff's office to pull up every single Abby Bennett in the country.

Bonnie: I know we haven't been able to really...that things had been weird, because of Jeremy, so, thank you for helping me with this. I know you have a lot to deal with.

Elena: There's nothing more important, Bonnie.

Alaïa Gilbert //The Vampire DairiesWhere stories live. Discover now