Chapter 15

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Once you finished showering and getting ready, you made your way to Akaashi's room. You went inside and saw him on the phone. He turned to you and waved you over. Once you stood next to him, he patted his lap with his free hand. Your eyes widen at his request but he only smiled at you. When you didn't move his free hand guided your waist closer to him and made you sit. Akaashi turned the phone away from his mouth and whispered in your ear.

"Now that I have you alone for a while, be a good girl for me until I finish." You shivered at his words. You put your nose in his neck and he gave a light laugh before continuing his call.

"Call Yaku about that. Order those drugs from him and get it done. If Bokuto learns that this job wasn't finished by the time we get back, he's gonna be pissed." Akaashi said into the phone. Konoha said something but you couldn't make out the words. Whatever he said Akaashi didn't like. "Get it done Konoha." Akaashi growled into the phone before hanging up the phone. He let out a sigh before kissing you.

"What's Bokuto doing right now?" You asked Akaashi once he pulled away.

"Who knows, I do know we are meeting him at Fukurōdani manor for dinner."

"Formal wear?"

"Most likely, knowing Bokuto he probably spent all evening planning it. I know he just wants to do something special with us."

"Yeah. I should go change then." You asked looking down at your comfy clothes.

"Can I pick it out for you?" Akaashi asked.


Akaashi went into your room and browsed your closet. He picked out a dress that showed a lot of skin.

"No!" You objected

"You did say I could pick it out." Akaashi gave an innocent smile.

"No something else. I can't leave the house like that."


After Akaashi picked an outfit you were comfortable with, the two of you left the Karasuno house and went to Fukurōdani manor. Akaashi took you out of the car and lead you around the house into the backyard. It looked like Bokuto had set up a surprised dinner in the gardens, just for the three of you.

"A garden? It's huge." You gasped. Akaashi smiled at your reaction. Bokuto sat at a table in the middle of the garden, he was waiting anxiously for you and Akaashi to arrive.

"Bokuto!" You called out to him before you jogged over to him. Bokuto turned around at your call and stood up. A large smile appeared on his face before he ran to you.

"Hello beautiful don't you look lovely this evening?" He said to you.

"Thank you Akaashi picked it out." You did a little spin. Akaashi came up to Bokuto and they kissed.

"Come, dinner is ready." Bokuto locked arms with you and Akaashi on each arm.

"Bokuto this garden is beautiful." You said in awe.

"This garden was my mother's before she passed away. This was her pride." Bokuto smiled before it turn into a frown. "She was killed when I was 14. Fukurōdani was in a clan war and the enemy took out my mother to try to wound my father."

"Bokuto I'm sorry." You sad sadly.

"Thank you y/n but it's in the past."

"Did you know Bokuto's mom Akaashi?" You asked turning to him.

"Yes she was a lovely woman. She would have loved you." Akaashi said and Bokuto agreed.

You nodded. Bokuto stopped in front of table.

"I wanted to tell you something. Y/n sit down, Akaashi stand behind her." Bokuto said. You did what you were told but you were confused. Akaashi placed this hands on your shoulders. He looked nervous, and started to overthink about what Bokuto would say. If it was clan related, why didn't Bokuto tell him about it earlier.

"Bokuto what-" Akaashi was about to question him but Bokuto cut him off.

"Akaashi please let me speak please. You two have made me a better man over the time we've all been together. You two are my support system and the reason I'm probably still alive today. There's been a lot of stress recently and I constantly just want the two of you with me. What I'm trying to say is I want the two of you with me forever so..." Bokuto reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. He got down on a knee and opened the small black box that held two rings. One for Akaashi, and one for you.

"Y/n Ukai and Keiji Akaashi... Will you marry me?"

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