The Unfair Game 29

Start from the beginning

"Don't touch me! I can't believe we came here to have a great vacation and you just couldn't keep away from her!" Katherine shouted and stomped away.

Malia looked at Khalil disgust." I can't believe you" she snarled before walking away with Julia.

"So You're Khalil?" Jason asked angrily before slamming the orchid on the floor.

Kahlil ran his hands through his hair avoiding the eyes that are  piercing through his body and walked away.


Anessa packed her things aggressively as the scene of early played in her mind, taunting her. Tears fell from her eyes, she thought this vacation would do her well but all it did was wrong. She felt so humilated because of what happened and the harsh words Katherine used at her.

"So after all we talked about, you really have an affair with Khalil?" Malia asked, slowly entering the room.

"Malia, please not now" Anessa begged as she marched to the closet and fetch her shoes.

"I thought you said you were over him, I thougt that you would understand more than anyone else what it feels like to have someone interfering in your relationship.  The pain that you felt and you still go ahead and do that to someone?" Malia said upsetting.

"I get it Malia! I messed up ok? I love Khalil and I wanted to be with him caringless about her..... I deserve to be happy too but not like you understand because you have Julia. You find your happiness!" Anessa yelled.

"That's not true, I  understand what it is like to be inlove with someone that isn't available so that doesn't give you the right to ruin someone's life... their marriage. You will not find your happiness with a married man"

"Oh Thank you Malia for such a comforting talk. You know what?" Anessa walked up to Malia and stared her deadly in her eyes." None of this would have happened if you didn't forced me to come here. This is all your fault Malia so get out!" Anessa shouted before pushing Malia outside of her suite and slammed the door shut.

Malia stood outside, staring at the door in shocked. Anessa have never behave like that to her before.



Katherine walked passed Khalil on the sofa without uttering a word to him. It's been  two weeks since they got back from Hawaii and Katherine is still upset. She hate him but love him at the same time and it's hard for her to make her decision. She have gave him chances before and her friends encouraged her to divorce him because he will hurt again but her heart is against it. Again Khalil and Anessa is not on speaking terms  she have been avoiding him just like his wife.

"Good morning sweetheart" he greeted her.

She sat opposite him with her legs curled up on the sofa as she pay more attention to the morning news.

"Good morning" she said dryly.

"So You're just going to stay mad at me?" He asked her.

"And why shouldn't I?" She placed her feet down and stared at him lividly.

"I am sorry Kat, I didn't want to hurt you b..

"But you did? You are inlove with another woman Khalil... How can I forgive you for that? You slept with her right in my face and lied about it" Katherine said in tears.

Khalil moved closer to her and wrapped his arms around her, she wanted to pull away from him but at the sametime she miss his touch. She thought of ways to save her marriage once again because she can't loose her husband. She hugged him with tears flowing from her eyes.

"I can't take back what happened but I didn't mean to hu--

The ringing of Khalil's phone interupted them and he reached for it. He pressed it to his ears without looking at the ID.

"Payne, I have some bad news" Anderson said from the other line.

"What is it?" Khalil asked, moving away from Katherine who is watching him attentively.

"Marcel escaped and we have no luck finding him" he said and Khalil blood ran cold as he end the call.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Katherine asked observing his suddenly change of mood.

"I have to go. Anessa is in trouble"


Los Angeles....

Like any other day Anessa walked in ther office and did her morning routine before starting off her day. She sipped on her black coffee as she focus on her work. It's been quiet these days since Jason is not here to taunt her like he usually do or having Malia burst into her office and they talked and laughed. She missed Malia but since their argument in Hawaii, they haven't speak and Jason decided to go with his dad to Venice on a business trip to avoid Anessa.

"Ms. Peart, he's back" Anessa P.A Camille, whispered through the intercom.

Anessa shot her head up and stared at the intercom for a while before responding. She stood up and pressed her brown pencil skirt out with her hands before grabbing some files from her desk. She took a deep breath in before pressing the buzzer to Jason's Office. He let her in but didn't looked at her instead his looked through random files on his desk.

"Hey, I'm glad you're back" Anessa said with a sweet smiled that quickly dissappeared when Jason glared at her.

"You did? Oh I'm so flattered" Jason replied sacrastically.

"So you're just going to be mad at me for ever?" Anessa asked, placing the files on his desk.

"So you think after toying with my feelings, I should just forgive you and go back to how things were? No Anessa, I will not do that. I feel so foolish falling for someone who is in love with someone else. I was so stupid thinking things could work between us.... Jason said walking closer to her. "You see why I don't do relationship, women can't be trusted" he said distatefully then walked away.

"Jason, I a--

"It's Mr. Collins now, I'm officially the owner of this company and get back to work Ms. Peart before I dismiss you" Jason said with no emotion.

Anessa looked at him surprised of how cold he have become. Without hesistation she left his office.

Later that evening Anessa reached home exausted and sad. She would really hang out with Malia right now but she was too scared to call her after how rude she treated her in Hawaii. She kicked her heels off and entered the kitchen pulling down a bottle of vodka. She poured some in a glass and turned it to her head.

The door bell rang twice and she quickly put away the vodka and walked towards the door hoping it would be Malia. Her hands froze on the door knob and she choked on her spit when she saw the person standing infront of her smirking.

"Hello beautiful" he smirked mischievously.

"M-M-Marcel" she barely said before her breath left her body and she fell on the cold floor.


My apology for not updating in a while and I am so sorry. I was actually working on this chapter but got distracted so I decided to take the time out to complete it today. It was a lil difficult base on my schedule but I pulled through. I made it long so you guys would be satisfy until I can update again which might be next month. Early Next month too so please bare with me and stick around.

Thanks for your patience and I hope this book is still in you libaries.

The devil is back and he's more vile now so stick around for the remaining  of The Unfair Game.

Love y'all 🥰

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