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The startling sound of the basement door brought her out of her stupefied state, followed by heavy footsteps down the metal staircase...

"Amy, honey, how are you today?"...
The blinding light of her father's flashlight made her turn the other way. "Don't worry sweetheart, everything will be okay, this is what's best for you, here, eat"...

He placed a tray containing a sandwich and a cup of water. This was followed by the clattering sound of chains as they were being unlocked— which meant a little bit of freedom, at least until she was done with her food. He watched her eat, too hungry to acknowledge his presence, she chunked down the sandwich and gulped down the fluid. After which he cleared the mess she made, chained her hands as it was, and made his way back up, leaving her in this hell hole....will she ever be free?


  Amy had just turned 17, Still locked up in a basement for reasons she could not fathom.
For as long as she can remember, she never had communication with the outside world, only with John and Anna Baker, the sickos who call themselves her parents.

  You never know how important the sun is until you find yourself in a dark space for such a long time. You find yourself struggling with the darkness, arguing with it... bargaining for a little bit of sunlight. Well, Amy has done all these and more, but darkness loves company and solitude is a chatterbox if you get to know her.

  She often wondered what it would be like to go up those stairs that lead out of the basement. 'That day would be the happiest day of my life' She often thought. Just as we hope to go up to heaven someday, for Amy, the stairwell leads straight up to Paradise. But what kind of parents would purposely keep their child from experiencing such happiness?

Amy has always been a smart kid, she picked up on words and phrases used by her mom and dad whenever they came to check on her. She had all she needed down here: Beneath the staircase was a bathtub and a toilet built just for her. On the left end of this underground prison is a large bed with a pink mattress and teddy bears scattered all over it. The bed served its purpose up until last year when her folks thought it'd be better to have her sleep on the floor. Of course, that was after she tried to escape from this hell hole. Can you blame the poor thing?

Just across the bed is a four-inch Panasonic television; Amy isn't going to miss that piece of junk. She's been watching the same old kid's cartoons for as long as she can remember. If she had to listen to Cinderella sing one more time, her head might just explode. Apparently, it's easier for Rapunzel to bag a handsome prince from the top of a tower than it is for her(Amy) to be rescued from this dungeon. And if only the mice down here could do chores, then maybe Snow White would be a tad believable. Don't get her started with The Princess and the frog.

  Have you ever been depressed? Well, Amy has passed the point of depression and is now in a state of nothingness. A state of oblivion. A state of dissociation. A state that only she understands. Death of the mind and gradual decay of the flesh.

But maybe there is hope for her. Maybe...

Her stolen memories [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now