Chapter 19 - Questions

Start from the beginning

"The forest ?" I repeated, checking if he was really sure of what he was saying.

"There are things I want to show you." Edward said, still serious.

Things he wanted to show me ? If he had the ability to turn into a bat, I was definitely not coming. That would be way too much for me.

"I am not able to do that." Edward answered to my thought, rolling his eyes.

I let out a sigh of relief. Bats were one of the numerous things I was scared of. I stood up, shoes on, and grabbed the bag I had put on the floor.

"Okay." I finally accepted.

If we were hanging out tomorrow, maybe it'd be best to ask my questions then. I'd probably be more comfortable than in the middle of students walking by us.

The closer we got to the school and the more stressed I was. I knew I'd have to apologize for my poor behavior to the Cullens but I worriedly started making up scenarios in my mind. What if they didn't forgive me ? What if they felt disappointed in me ? Even if Edward told me that my reaction had been expected, I couldn't help but feel bad.

As usual, the Cullens arrived after us in Emmet's Jeep. And as usual Emmett parked as if he owned the parking lot. He must have threaten the instructor to give him his driver's licence because there was no way he got it because he drove perfectly. He was worse than Rosalie. As if the road was a playground to him.

"He did pass the test perfectly." Edward answered to my thought with a smirk.

Both Edward and I came out of his car, and my body soon collided with a hard and big one. Emmett lifted me up and turned me around as if I was only a feather to him. Not only did I feel embarrassed because of the people around who for sure, witnessed the whole scene, but also because he literally acted as if I didn't ignore him because of who they were.

"You're back." Emmett said with a bright smile on his face. "Why the long face ?"

"Emmett if you don't put me down..."

"What ? What are you going to do ? I'm stronger than you anyway." he cut me off, showing off.

"Oh ! That was low. You really want to play like that ?"

"I don't play any other way."

Even before I knew that they were vampires, I knew that my biggest weapon against Emmett were my words and not my strength. There was no way I could've taken him down physically even when I thought he was human.

Emmett finally put me down, and I faced all of them. "I'm sorry, guys. Whether my reaction was normal or not, I'm still sorry." I apologized. "And I won't tell anyone. I promise."

"We know." Alice said as she came to hug me as well. "You gave me lots of headaches but you're finally back."

My eyes met Edward when Alice mentioned headaches, but he just shook his head. I guessed he'd explain to me later.

"Now that there's no secret between us, I can finally see us become great friends." Alice said, still with a smile that let us see her excitement.

"You sound like you wanted this to happen." Rosalie told her.

Alice shrugged. "It's easier that way. Isn't it ?"

I looked up from Alice's small frame to Jasper and Rosalie who stood back. Their personalities were more reserved than Alice and Emmett.

"No need to make a big deal out of it." Rosalie shrugged, not really caring.

A Vampire's Love - Edward Cullen (Twilight saga)Where stories live. Discover now