Chapter 18 - Confessions

Start from the beginning

He was right. Love was indeed a strong feeling. I remembered seeing him when he came back to school on Wednesday. I was anxious at the thought of seeing him and yet, the moment our eyes met, I forgot everything for a second. My chest warmed up again, and my heart beat faster at his sight.

I suddenly yawned. I didn't realize how tired I was until I did.

"You should sleep. We have class tomorrow."

"There's so many things I want to ask you." I tried to resist the need to sleep.

"We'll have time for that later." Edward reassured me.

I should probably write down all my questions so at least I wouldn't forget any of them.

"You're going out by the window, right ?" I asked him.

"I was thinking of watching you sleep tonight."

I frowned, not happy about that idea. "Don't you dare. I know for sure that I talk when I sleep. You already can read my thoughts. I won't let you hear me sleep-talk."

Edward became silent. His eyes were avoiding me. That was when I understood. He already did watch me sleep. I put my hand under his chin and lifted his head up to make him look at my eyes.

"Edward Cullen." I said his name, hoping I sounded threatening to him. "Are you trying to make me go crazy ? Watching people while they sleep is creepy okay ? Had I known someone was watching me in my sleep, and I would've had insomnia."

"I'm sorry."

"What went through you mind for you to even think about doing that ?"

"I already told you. It is hard for me to resist to my sudden desires. One of them, is to be close to you every time I'm given the chance to." Edward admitted.

It was the first time that I saw him being clueless. He was usually the one who had all the answers already. He had never looked more human than now. Although it was also my first time, I seemed to control my emotions better than he did. My hand went from his chin to cupping his cheek. Edward's hand covered mine, and brought my hand to his nose. My eyes got wider as I witnessed him smell my hand and then, release his cold breath against it.

"Your scent is...mesmerizing. It's one of those I can't get tired of." Edward commented.

"Thanks ?" I only answered, not knowing what to say to that.

"It reminds me of the day we met. I caught you thinking about us..." he started while studying my reaction. "...laying down on this bed..." the space in between my eyebrows creased as I frowned. "...and you breathing in my scent."

I closed my eyes, fighting the urge the scream out of embarassement. He had been confronted to this kind of thought from me even before we even held a real conversation. I forgot that I even had this kind of thought. Why did he have to remember that ?

Edward snorted against my hand before he brought it down. Like at his house, his fingers played with mine and again, this simple touch made everything feel right.

"Aiyanna ?"

I shook my head. I didn't have the strength to talk. I just wanted to hide in a hole. Edward had the worst power to me. He had access to so many information that wasn't meant for him. Information that didn't need to be remembered.

"When the time is right, and when you'll let me, I will be glad to serve as your pillow." Edward tried to reassure me, but it unfortunately didn't.

"I think I don't want to know what you heard from me." I told him.

Edward smiled and nodded.

I suddenly felt a void and realized that Edward completely vanished, which almost made me wonder if all of this was a dream. The door of my bedroom opened, and I saw my mother's face appear. She frowned as soon as she saw my expression.

"Are you okay ? Why do you look so shocked ?"

Because two seconds ago Edward was sitting in front of me and the next second he simply vanished. But obviously I couldn't answer that.

"I just realized that I still have school tomorrow. I thought it was already Friday night." I quickly lied, which made her sigh.

"Are you sure you were okay during dinner ?" she asked again. I might've not be convincing enough when she first asked.

"Yes. I actually don't know why I zoned out that much."

My mother slowly nodded, while I hoped she believed me now.

"I think I was wrong to ask of you to stay away from them without any valid reasons. You are free to make your own choices, but..." She stopped which caught my entire attention. "...if you feel that something's wrong. If you think you can't handle things that are bigger than you on your own, come to me. I'll get you out of your situation."

I knew she would. However, things were bigger than she thought they were.

I simply nodded, grateful to have her.

"Don't forget to set up your alarm. I don't want to get a call from your school saying you didn't show up to class." she warned me as she closed the door.

"Good night."

The moment the door was closed, Edward was already standing near the window.

"You are really fast." I commented, still surprised by how fast he vanished in front of my eyes.

"You haven't seen anything yet. I'll show you someday." Edward promised.

Edward walked towards me, slowly this time, and sat in front of me again.

"Do you think your mother would ever think of me as a good person for you ?" Edward suddenly asked me.

"You tell me." I said, refering to his ability to read thoughts, but he wasn't like Alice. He couldn't predict what my mother would think. "I think she'd want me to be happy. And even if someday she finds out about what you are, she'd trust me."

Edward nodded.

"It's getting late. I'm afraid I might not get enough sleep to handle tomorrow's classes."

"So I really can't stay with you ?" Edward insisted.

"What makes you think I'll be able to sleep with you being here ?"

"You were able to nights before."

"I didn't know !" I protested which made Edward smile.

He finally let go of this idea and stood up. "I don't want to keep you awake much longer. I'll be going."

In a second, he leaned closer to me which made me startle and brushed my face with his fingers.

"Good night." he said in the most seductive way ever.

"You too."

"I don't sleep."


Edward's only response was to chuckle.

" I'll see you tomorrow." Edward whispered, which I answered to with a nod.

I felt a light breeze on my face as Edward disappeared through the window. Everything went back to normal as if nothing had ever happened. The only thing that convinced me that Edward being in my bedroom wasn't a dream was his scent that still lingered in the room.

A Vampire's Love - Edward Cullen (Twilight saga)Where stories live. Discover now