Chapter 17 - Confrontation

Start from the beginning

"I said that to someone who I thought was human."

The venom in my voice as I said the word human, made him silent. However, for once, our eyes stayed connected. If mine had pure anger in them, his were hurt.

"Are you the ones who made the treaty with the Quileute ?" I asked.

"Yes." Edward only answered.

"What makes you so different from other vampires ?" I asked, not being scared of being heard for my last word.

"Our family only feeds on animal blood as we do not desire to be a threat to the human kind. Rather than living in the dark, we prefer to socialize with others."

It suddenly made me think of Carlisle. Vampires were attracted to blood and yet he worked at the hospital. I frowned at the sudden thought of him stealing blood bags from the hospital to feed his family. I quickly got rid of this thought after remembering what Edward said. However, it still didn't explain why would Carlisle torture himself like that.

Esme, Carlisle, Alice, Rosalie, Jasper and Emmett. All of them. It made me sigh again.

"Why are you vampires ?" I suddenly asked Edward.

"Why are you human ?" He asked back. "There are things that cannot be explained. I was born human, and was transformed by Carlisle. But Carlisle was also transformed before that, and so on and on."

There was a question that kept lingering in my mind, but I was scared to know the answer. But at this point, might as well ask everything while I was still given the opportunity.

"Have you ever...killed someone ?" I finally asked.

"Yes, I did."

I was pleased that he choose to give me a clear answer instead of finding excuses. However, it would've been better if it had been the answer I had expected.

"It is hard to learn to control yourself, especially in your first years. It took me time to finally be able to find satisfaction in feeding on animal blood only."

I was not ready for these kind of explanations yet. I grimaced as he talked. The mere thought of the blood dripping down his lips was disgusting me.

"You have become the most precious thing that came into my long life, Aiyanna. I would never hurt you nor would I let anyone of my kind do." Edward assured me.

I was taken aback by this sudden confession. He said that with a stern face, determined to let me see his sincerity. I didn't know how to react to the whole situation. I went from being frightened to angry and now, confused. I couldn't make any decision without thinking deeply about what I wanted to do with all these informations.

"Would you let me ask this ?" Edward asked.

"What ?"

"If you had known from the beginning, would you have still tried to befriend me and the rest of my family ?"

Would I have had the courage to do so if I had known the truth ? Would I have let myself fall in love with him if I had known ? Would I have stayed away like the rest of the students did ?

I sighed again, deciding to go for the truth. "I'm not sure."


In the midst of all this, I completely forgot that my dad had invited the whole Cullen family for dinner the next day. He had told me that he had asked Carlisle on their shift on Sunday but it completely came out of my thoughts as I had been disturbed for days now.

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