"Hey guys, what are you both talking about?" Suga asked as he walked in the teachers staff room. 

"Akaashi is deciding to have a school field… "

"Oh? To where?"

"We were having trouble choosing between aquarium or zoo… which one would you choose sugawara-san?" Akaashi asked as suga went to his locker.

"Mm… I think the zoo? Im sure the kids would like to see their fav animal such as lion or tigers… since there's also a playing area for them"

"Hmm… that is a good Idea… what about you kenma?"

"Eh? Ah… Im fine with just anything… "

"Then the zoo it is then!"

"When is this field trip gonna happened? "

"Just this end of month. I'll be sending out flyers next monday" suga nod,

"Everyone would be happy to hear this"

"Im gonna go text oikawa about this" suga said as they both nod.



Heads up

Akaashi said the end of this month there will be an upcoming field trip



Then this will be awesome

Tobio-chan would be excited to go there since I can tell he have never been there for once


Im sure he will be happy going on his first trip with shoyo


Oh yah!

By the way

Can we visit your house after school?

Tobio-chan wants to see hinata


Anything for my student



Your kid and my kid together~?

This will be awesome if they fallen in love


They already did

Just not big yet to be in a relationship


Right right


I wanted to asked you something

I keep forgetting to asked you this earlier

That day when we visit kageyama at the hospital

We had a convo about future schools

They're gonna graduate this year…

Have you decide which elementary school you want to put your son in?


No not really

But it will be awesome if I put tobio-chan in the same school as hinata's


Hinata thought the same thing…

Do you thinks its good for them?


Of course it is

They can study together

Walked home together when they're big enough


I guess you're right…

"Kageyama!" Hinata happily ran towards him and hugged him as soon as he enter his house.

"I missed you!" Kageyama just hugged him back. The two couple chuckle at the cute sight.

"Where have you guys been during work hours?" Suga asked, stepping aside, letting the Iwaoi couple walked in.

"We went to park. Just places to entertain him " oikawa said as he looked around,

"Its been awhile since I've been here! Come bestie! Lets make dinner together kay~?" Oikawa wrap his arms around suga's arm.

"Eh ah ok" suga said as he let oikawa drag him into the kitchen.

"I have toys upstairs in papa's room! Lets play together kageyama!" Kageyama looked up at iwaizumi. Giving him a ' can I?' looks. Iwaizumi smile a nod.

"Sure, go ahead and have fun" kageyama smile and nod, letting hinata hold his hands and lead him upstairs. Leaving iwaizumi and daichi alone at the living room.

"I see you gotten closer to the child" daichi said as he sat down on the couch.

"Yah…" iwaizumi joined him. Daichi think for a moment and looked at iwaizumi.

"Can I asked a blunt and embarrassing question?" Daichi asked,

"Huh? Ah… sure?"

"Good. Have you… have you both done it before…?"

"Done it? Done what? Be specific"

"You know… sex… " he mumble the word sex but iwaizumi can still understand him.

"Oh… you mean me and oikawa…" daichi nod,

"Yah we done it before… like- 2 times I think? Why do you asked?"

"… "

"No way… you both haven't done it?"

"Yah… I wanted to… but it always ended up backfire… "

"God… here I thought you guys already past on that level first…"

"Im struggling to endure. I love him so much… I cant stop thinking about him… "

"So you kept touching yourself often huh…" daichi blush at that,

"Don't say it like that! Its embarrassing to hear you say it… "

"You're the one who started to asked this type of question"

"I know… " iwaizumi looked at daichi's distress face.

"So…? You asked me cause you wanted me to help you be alone with sugawara and have your romantic time?" Daichi blushed and looked away,

"I feel bad asking you for help just cause of this… "

"Ah whatever. You helped me chose the ring for oikawa and let me borrow your car. So I'll help you one on this in return"


"Yah. Just tell me when and I'll let hinata sleepover in my house with tobio" daichi grab iwaizumi's hand and kissed it repeatedly.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"Ew! Go away!"

[Authors note: kay. Im gonna disappear back into the darkness 💀

Jk. It is seems I still have the mood to write and update more chptrs lol ]

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