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Sugawara awkwardly laugh and pet kageyama's hair,

"What are you talking about kageyama? I'm sure you're not serious" kageyama push his hands away and glared at him,

"I'm serious sensei! Please adopt hinata!" Sugawara gulp,

"Adoption is a very serious thing kageyama, do you even know what it means or what you're saying? "

"Yes! Yes I know! Don't you love hinata? "

"I do but…"

"He sees you as his second mom! " sugawara froze,

"There were ones he told me that, even though you're a man… he sees you more like his second mother… he never once had a father to take care of him. His father is gone before he was born. Now, his mother too… all he has left is us sensei… how do you think hinata would feel…? " sugawara clench his fist and stood up straight,

"It's just to sudden kageyama. I'm… I'm not ready for this… to have a child… " kageyama teared up,

"All I want was that orange head to be happy… but ended up I didn't… I just want to see the smile on his face…" sugawara heart ache, imagining hinata's reaction being taken to orphan. 

"I… I… "

"You don't have to do it just because of me… do it for hinata sensei… " sugawara looked down and grab his hands,

"Let's just go home"

"Y-you-! How?!" Zenaku asked in suprised and anger while his hands were cuffed behind by daichi.

"It's easy to find you when I read your pattern. It's obvious you won't show up no matter how long I sleep at his house. You only show up when oikawa's alone. So I thought for myself,  'wow this bitch is a pussy to come face to face with me' " iwaizumi smirked while zenaku glared at him,

"Who says I'm fcking scared?! I prefer it that way so you won't bother my fun with him! " now it's iwaizumi's turn to glared at him,

"Listen you bitch, oikawa is not someone you can play with or beat with. He is a fcking fragile human who loves to cuddle and wanna be loved. So if you don't want to bother give those things to him, I suggest you go find somone else who is a masochist" oikawa stared at him with wide eye. He couldn't believe iwaizumi would say that.

"You bitch! You can't even give those to him too! Oikawa is someone who is desperate. Desperate for love. It's hilarious how fcking easy that he fallen in love with me. He is blind and naive. He can't even say no to sex. Hey oikawa~ don't you miss that time? " oikawa gulp and looked down ashamed.

"Why are you not looking at me? Feeling shy? Oh wait-maybe embarrassed cause I'm saying this infront of your crush~?" Oikawa tighten his grip on his clothes,

"Please shut up…"

"Yoo iwaizumi. This guy is good with sex. If you do it with him, you'll know why I'm so obsess with his body. He'll moan your name… he'll open his legs to you easily-!"

"Shut up!" Oikawa shouted, who is now crying.

"No matter how rough you are, he will accept your dick in his hole! HE'S JUST LIKE A STUPID TOY-!" Zenaku suddenly receive a big punch on his stomach. He groan in pain while iwaizumi crack his knuckles.

"Daichi, please take him away before I murder this guy" daichi, who was very uncomfortable with the whole situation, nod and drag the guy in the car, leaving iwaizumi and oikawa. Iwaizumi watch them walk away and looked at oikawa who is still on the ground. Oikawa was hiding his face while hugging his knees. You could hear his cries. He felt ashame, very ashame.


"Im sorry!"


"I'm sorry you had to hear that… *hic* I know it's my fault… he's right… I was dumb and naive… I didn't see it coming. I was stupid, I was blind. Im dirty… Im sorry Iwa-chan you have to deal with me… to deal with a dirty person like me…" iwaizumi stared at him and step closer to him,

"Stand up oikawa, don't tell me you're just gonna stay here like that"

"…" oikawa slowly stand up, trying to avoid eye contact with iwaizumi.

"Look at me" oikawa shook his head,

"Oikawa" he still shook his head,

"Please…? Cute face" oikawa froze, he looked at him to see iwaizumi smiling,

"You finally looked at me huh…"

"Y-you call me cute face… " iwaizumi shrugged,

"I've called you that for like the third time already…"

"Am… am I really that cute? or you're just playing with me…?" Iwaizumi bought his hand up under oikawa's chin and pinch both his cheek, making oikawa's face a duck face.

"See look at that, cute face" oikawa blush and struggle to push his hands away.

"L-let go--" he was suddenly cut off by a pair of lips on his. Oikawa froze as he watch iwaizumi kissed him. The kissed happened so fast he didn't have time to kissed back. Iwaizumi slowly pull away and looked at him.

"I heard what you say about me just now, about protecting people and all…" he whispered. Their face was so close, oikawa didn't dare to move.

"You… you heard…?"

"Yah… that you love me and all…" oikawa wipe his tears,


"so that means that I love you back"

"Huh?" Iwaizumi smile and kissed his forehead,

"Hey oikawa, wanna try how it feels like to be loved by me?"

Sugawara lay down on his bed and stare at the ceiling, thinking back about his conversation with kageyama.

Adopt him? Do I love hinata to that level? Do I see him like as if he is my son?

Suga sigh and close his eyes.

"Sensei!"  Sugawara froze and open his eyes, suddenly remembered something.

"Yes hinata?"

"Here!" Sugawara quickly sit up and take his wallet. He open it and took out a folded paper. He gently open it and stare at the drawing.

"Hinata… who is this?" Hinata looked and smile,

"That was the policeman guy! He always come and visit us, thats why I draw him too! He also visit this morning!" Sugawara smile, remembering that day.
"Do you ever want kids in the future?"

He stare at the drawing of himself holding hinata's hand. Suddenly remembering daichi asked him that in the past. Maybe he does sees hinata as his own child…

How would people react if I did? What about daichi…? Will he leave me cause of this…?

wait no… Why would I care if daichi did? Hinata is…

Sugawara teared up and kissed the paper.

"… um who are you?" A women in a her thirties asked. She was about to leave the house with hinata and head over to the orphanage but was stop by a young man.

"My name is sugawara koushi and I wanted to adopt hinata shoyo!"

[Authors note: I honestly dk how this adoption works though. ANYWHO,


My ass is proud ]

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