Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

"It's been a while." A little girl with blond hair and blue-gray eyes said as she knelt in the dirt. She wore a simple black dress and she had her hair in plaits. "Momma misses you and I know Mother misses you too. I've just started to go to school. It's rather fun!" She laughed joyfully as she talked away. "I've met some good friends. Not sure what momma was talking about. She said school was boring and there would be a lot of stinky boys there. It's not bad-" she was interrupted by a chuckle behind her.

"That's because you haven't gotten to the hard part yet. Keylyn." Kelso said as she tried to hold back her tears. It had been four years since she and Laylian got married. The past four years have been some of the craziest of her life. She didn't know that she was pregnant at Sylvester and Tyrell's wedding. It was somewhat of a wedding present for her. It was common knowledge that she wanted to be a mother. It took a few tries but they managed to be blessed with the most adorable little girl.

"But mamma-" Keylyn started to say but she got cut off by another chuckle. She looked to her mother who was sitting down on a bench which wasn't too far away, her stomach was slightly swollen. The two women had been trying for a second child, two would be the perfect number. They were still discussing some things with the boys, they also wanted a child but they weren't sure of the right way to go around it. "Mother said that it was fun." She pouted cutely and crossed her arms. Trying to use Laylian as a good reason that she shouldn't believe Kelso.

"She's lying to you." Laylian told her daughter lovingly, whilst sending Kelso a playful glare. "School will be fun and interesting, no matter how old you get." Kelso crossed her arms lightly and sniffed away her tears. "But we can talk about that later." Laylian said softly with a smile. Keylyn slightly ran to her mother after saying goodbye to Hazel. The two of them talked quietly when Kelso turned around with a sad smile.

"Hey Nanna." She mumbled as she knelt down in front of her grave. "Hey grandpa." She didn't really know her grandfather very well. She visited the grave a few times before Hazel's passing but she didn't have a lot of memories with them. "I know you're up there watching her grow...watching us grow.but it's really hard not having you here." she didn't let herself hold back her tears any more. "As she said, she's just started school. She's doing so well already. She gets her smarts from you." She chuckled and she continued to talk, she talked about anything and everything under the sun, how the plants were doing in the garden, the new food she's tried even though she's a rather picky eater. She enjoyed the feeling she got from being close to her nanna.

She knew that Sylvester and Tyrell had also made plans to come with them but they were running a little bit late. It was something to do with important mail they had to sort out. Laylian and Keylyn stayed by the bench and they talked. Laylian couldn't really kneel at the grave at the moment without being helped back up, so she only had a few moments. She cared for and appreciated Hazel dearly, yet it wouldn't compare to the others.

It was beginning to rain slightly heavier now. The three were tempted to leave, hopefully bumping into Sylvester and Tyrell on the way. They didn't get as far as the gates before the two men met them. Tyrell was slightly out of breath but Sylvester's breathing hadn't changed much. Sylvester found amusement in the fact as he spoke. "So sorry about that." His amusement showed through his voice as he tried to hold back a chuckle, watching his husband struggle to speak. "It took longer then we expected."

"Uncle Sylvester!" Keylyn ran forward and hugged Sylvester's legs and then did the same to Tyrell, who was still trying to get his balance back. "I missed you two!" She was loud and happy. It hadn't been two days since they had last seen each other. Even though they were all related and it was nice to catch up with family, Laylian, Kelso and Tyrell all ran a business together. Sylvester sometimes felt a little left out of the loop but it gave him something to discuss with them when he came home from his teaching job.

"I missed you too little ladybird!" Sylvester beant down and picked Keylyn up, wrapping her in a big hug. Tyrell's breaths were still not coming that easy but he also reached over to give the little girl a hug. "You need to start coming running with me." He said to Tyrell as he hugged the child in his arms. It caused Tyrell to pout.

"No way. I wouldn't be able to keep up." Tyrell wasn't unhealthy, but an injury a few years back made him a little less eager to run and do exercise. He did physio and he still worked out. He ate well and his job meant that he was moving quite a bit. Running just didn't seem at all appealing anymore.

"I wanna go running!" Keylyn looked towards her mothers with pleading eyes. The little girl buzzed with excitement which caused Sylvester to laugh. Sylvester copied her face just to humour her. "Can I go running?" Kelso and Laylian shared looks. The secret mental discussions which they seemed to always have in front of their child.

"How about..." Laylian trailed off with a smirk on her face. "You go running with mamma whilst Sylvester and Tyrell talk to nanna?" Her wife's happy expression turned to one of shock and disbelief. She was about to shake her head in denial but Laylian continued to speak. "I'm sure you'll be able to run faster than mamma."

Keylyn gestured to be put back down on the floor, which Sylvester complied with. The boys were holding back their own laughs as the child started to run off. Kelso followed close behind, presenting the adults with a rude gesture behind her daughter's back. "Come catch me mamma!" The gleeful child screamed.

"Good one." Tyrell told Laylian before giving her a hug as well. "Hey, my hair is longer than yours now!" he noted with a proud smile. Laylian chuckled and brushed her fingers through her hair which just about reached her shoulders.

"Yup! Got a haircut yesterday. It was getting a bit annoying." She crossed her arms before eying the two men suspiciously. "But we can discuss things later. When we're dry." She gave a chuckle before leading them the way that she had come. Back to Hazel's grave. Tyrell moved forward first and placed some flowers next to the stone. Laylian had stayed at the bench, she didn't want to intrude on their private time.

"Good afternoon,Grandpa, Nanna." Tyrell started to say as he trailed his fingers in the dirt. "A lot has happened since I was last here. We've got some special things planned and I can't wait for you to me-see them." He had to cut himself off quickly. He was still not too used to Hazel not being with them." I hope that you're happy with grandpa up there. I hope that you're having a nice cup of tea in the garden full of beautiful flowers that you two have planted."

Sylvester could see and hear his husband getting emotional, he knelt down next to him on the dirt and pulled him close. Tyrell couldn't get many words out so Sylvester decided to speak, whispering softly. "It's been hard keeping this a secret. Though I'm sure that you know what it is. After all, your star shines so brightly in the night sky. I can never miss it when I look at the sky at night." Sylvester's whispers got quieter and quieter. Kelso and Keylyn had returned to the bench at this point and they were all looking towards the Gravestone, where Hazel Jewlson lay happy.

"We miss you"

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