Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

"What on this planet do you have to tell us?" Vandkin asked and crossed his arms. He wanted to sound strong and mighty. He was shaking where he stood and Selltresse was hiding behind her husband in fear of what could happen. Both of them tried their best to stay strong and keep their ground yet the old man was intimidating.

"You two know nothing about how to rule a kingdom!" Neireith said sharply. The words cutting through the air like a knife. It ended up making the two royals flinch back. "See? You're both cowards who shrink back at the voice of an old man. Not even one who has a physical form."

Vanilla had a rather small smile on her face and she was enjoying the fact her parents were finally getting told off by someone .The two would never have listened to her or their advisors about any of their actions. She was ecstatic to see them being told the errors of their ways. Turns out that she wasn't the only one.

"Not to mention." Laidra started to walk forwards, only to be pulled back by her husband. "The time where you were going to send my children away for the sole reason I was too distracted by them." There was rage in her tone and fire in her eyes. "I practically neglected them like you neglected your child for your approval. Now I realize how blinded I was. It ended."

Laidra looked like she could go on and on for hours on end about how enraged she was at Selltresse's and Vandkin's behaviour as not only royals but as friends. The only reason she was the advisor was their friendship, Selltresse trusted her. Laidra wondered where the trust had disappeared to, where the memories disappeared.

"Mother we have more to discuss right now." Landso said calmly, even though the boy also held rage in his eyes. He was forced to leave his home because of the royals, the conversation would resume very shortly. "Neireith, what are we doing?" He had turned to the older man, finding it easier to concentrate on him rather than the amount of people who were also with them.T

"Letting me go?" Nero said hopefully, clasping their hands together. They still had an evil smile on their face, Erin and Brandon just assumed it was their default expression. The use of the word 'me' showed the two just how much Nero didn't care.They knew that Nero didn't care about them much but they were reaching the end of their patience.

"Oh no you're not getting out of here anytime soon." Neireith muttered as he turned back to his child. "I'm going to do what I should have done ...well many years ago i'm not too sure of the exact date." He then turned to the twins. "Thanks To you two." The Twins pointed at themselves in slight shock that they were suddenly being addressed. Nero growled at them eerily, yet they were once again ignored.

"I'm sorry but..." Kelso started to say but she cut herself off, she wasn't sure what to say at the moment. The situation was ver overwhelming and it felt like all her hearing had gone strange. She felt like Neireith's voice was loud and other's were quiet, like she was in water.

"What exactly have we done?" Tyrell continued on after he realized his sister wasn't going to continue. The question caused Neireith to chuckle. It was a genuine laugh. Neireith truly didn't understand the meaning behind the twins' question. It was obvious, plain for everyone to see. Yet with a glance around the room, he realized he was the only one laughing.

"You have done many things!" Neireith said loudly, He was attempting the urge the twins to see what they had done, to try and give them a little bit more confidence. "You have shown me that it is possible for fae and humans to live alongside each other, peacefully." He paused dramatically and looked towards Sylvester with a slight smile on his face. "That includes dark fae as well."

Sylvester tried to give a weak smile in return, it had helped his confidence and gave him a warm feeling in his heart. Of course, that had to be ruined only a moment later. "No!" Nero was angry once again. If they could, Erin and Brandon would have sulked to the corners of the place so that they didn't have to be in Nero's line of fire, they were rather loud. "I have not put all this effort into my plans to come up with nothing but peace!" They spat out the word 'peace' like it was difficult to say, like it left an unpleasant taste in their mouth.

The group of fae who Nero captured didn't look very convinced either, even after the tales that Dawn had told them once they were left alone together. "We are not making peace with the dark fae and there is no need for humans to know of our existence!" Selltresse said sharply from the other side of the waterfall. She was sick and tired of this place and the man who seemed to have all the answers.

"But you will." Neireith said quickly, tilting his head to the side slightly and tapping his chin. "Well actually, you won't." The man clicked his fingers and the two royals were suddenly in jeans and t-shirts. Plain human attire. "I am sorry but this is necessary, for the moment at least." There was very little sympathy to Neireith's tone, he felt no guilt for what he had done.

The two royals felt extremely different, They could no longer feel the light and darkness which surrounded them. They felt like their own energy had been drawn from them, They were not confident enough to stay where they were at the edge of the water. They stumbled back slightly in shock, Selltresse holding back tears whilst Vandkin looked on in anger.

"What did you do to them?" Vansilla asked as she watched her parents stumble. She knew that she probably shouldn't care, if the same happened to her, they would only be worried about what would happen to the throne. They would be disappointed in her, saddened that she would let anything happen to her future.

"Only dark fae's should be able to do that." Sylvester's voice was deep and intimidating as he watched Neireith with narrowed eyes. He had manipulated Selltresse and Vandkin, that was something that the fae would not naturally be able to do. He received a shrug in response.

"I've had years and years to evolve, I'm certain some fae would be able to do that with practice." Neireith said as he smiled in satisfaction at the royals. "There was a lot of negative energy radiating from them, which would've made it easier for someone to get free." He gave a pointed look towards his child who was pouting once again.

"Anyway, you said that the humans could live with the fae again?" Devin asked from her position next to her grandmother. Dawn squeezed ehr shoulder slightly. Dawn would have preferred to keep silent and observe until she was needed. She should have known that Devin would not be one for this plan. "So what's happening?"

Neireith clapped slightly, pleased that someone was trying to get to the point. Even though he was the one to get them off-track most times. "Well that is simple my dear." He walked forward to where the symbols were all glowing and shining brightly. "We have to break the dimensions."

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