Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

It was getting dangerous. It was getting terrifying. The twins didn't know what they were going to do. They knew that Hazel didn't have a lot of time left and they knew that she had dreams and wishes which had not been fulfilled yet. They had some wonderful years together. Now they just wanted to tie things up. They wanted to make sure Hazel was a part of their lives for as many special moments as she could.

Their engagements happened at the same time. The twins had each come up with special ways to propose to their partners. They wanted to do it at the same time, whilst having their weddings at different times. They said that it was a simple trip out. It was one of their favourite places to visit. It was the only place that they had found which was remotely close to the beauty of the place which now held the portal between the dimensions.

They had invited everyone that they knew practically, The group from school, Hazel, Dawn, their parents and everyone was there. It was a small surprise party for the fae. It was the anniversary of their arrival in the human dimension. That was an easy enough excuse for the twins to make.

Kelso had gotten down on one knee , using her shoelace as an excuse before she slightly tugged on Laylian's hand and presented her with a ring. The ring belonged to her great-great grandmother on her father's side. It was simple yet elegant. Sylvester was watching with a happy smile on his face as his best friend accepted the proposal.

Kelso and Laylian were hugging and everyone was clapping when Tyrell tugged slightly on Sylvester's hand and got down on one knee. There was another echo of gasps, this time it was much louder.Sylvester had tearfully and wordlessly accepted and the two of them embraced in their own hug.

Just after that, the fae family appeared out of the trees. They were all clapping and smiling. Nothing would compare to Vansilla and Landso's engagement. But for the happy couples, that didn't matter. They were content and ecstatic. They had delicious food and they played music in the middle of the forest. The fae family couldn't stay for long, they had a kingdom to run, so they had priority when it came to hugs and congratulations.

Kelso and Laylian's wedding was first, they wanted it to happen near a holiday. Therefore there would be more reason for the fae family to attend the wedding. It was important that it was done in the human dimension. There would be many human guests at the wedding. It was traditional and rather quick. There were many couples who wanted weddings around the Christmas time, Laylian and Kelso opted for one between Christmas and New year.

The colour theme was pale green, blush and blue-gray. The colours worked well with the surroundings and the colours looked stunning on the two brides. Kelso wore a floor length very light blue dress with her hair pinned back and flowers in her hair. Laylian wore a dress which trailed the ground and it was a brilliant white colour. The bouquet which they each held was made of beautiful roses of various colours.

Everyone had an excellent time. It was one of the proudest moments of Laidra and Addafor's lives. They got to watch their daughter fall completely in love and chose a forever partner. It was something phenomenal. They dreamed and wished for the moment. Of course, they knew it would happen. It was incredibly moving to see their little girl all grown up.

Sylvester and Tyrell's wedding happened near exactly six months after Laylian and Kelso's. Their colour scheme was a silver green shade with some dots of reds. Tyrell wore a dark red suit and Sylvester wore a dark green suit. They looked like they were more suited for a winter wedding but they were very stern about the colour choices for their wedding. It was a bright and sunny day. They had chosen to have their wedding in the middle of the woods. Well, it wasn't really the middle of the woods but it was deep enough so that they didn't have any noise interference from the cars and other noises the city was known for.

Even though Sylvester was not a blood member of the Caileafaq's, they still arrived in order to support him and Tyrell. Laylian and Kelso supported the couple throughout the wedding. Laylian worked as Sylvester's 'best person' of sorts. She was his closest and oldest friend, she also knew a lot more about weddings then he did.Laylian was an immediate choice for his best person. Even though Tyrell knew many people, his twin was the person who was able to support him no matter what. Kelso was ecstatic to be asked.

The two weddings were extremely special for the couples. They were able to celebrate their love for each other with their loved ones. Hazel danced to the best of her abilities with the happy people. The days were full of laughs and happiness. Love was in the air and nothing on earth would bring them sadness on these days. Sylvesster shed many tears that year, they all did, but there was one special moment when he burst into tears.

He was going through his and Tyrell's wedding gifts when he stumbled across it. It was a journal, bound in red leather and a silver 'S' on the front. When he opened it up, it was blank. Yet there was a note written on the back of the cover. 'For memories and milestones, for the eagle and the fox'. There was an extremely detailed drawing of both the animals underneath.

It must have been a group effort. He thought as he stared at it in wonder. He knew that neither Kelso nor Laylian were able to draw like that. It was nearly exactly the same as his old one, the one that he sacrificed. He knew that he still held those memories, the memories of the things which he had written about. He had merely sacrificed the words which were written on the page. He would be able to continue, writing down all of their thoughts and all of their experiences. He wasn't alone now, it would be different but it would be better. Because now it would be them.

Similarly, there was a specific gift which Laylian received which caused a flood of tears to run down her face. It was from her father and mother. It was small and it was simple, it was a charm. It was silver in colour and it didn't hold a lot of detail. It looked stunning when the light caught it. It was for her bracelet, which she continued to wear every day. It was a very small and cute squirrel charm. It would go right next to the dove and they would never be separated. Just like Kelso and Laylian's love.

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