chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Books seemed to be our main source of information now." Landso sighed as they were ,once again, in the library of the fae dimension. It was odd for Landso to complain about books being used. Though when it comes to finding a single book in a library of millions, it was a rather difficult task. "How are we supposed to find the right one?"

"We look." Vansilla said calmly as she looked through the stacks of books. It was unordinary for her to be in the library seeming so eager. Now she realized what kind of danger they were facing and she was more than happy to help figure this thing out. She knew the library better than most people, her parents putting the most amount of pressure on her to study. The only ones who might know it better than her were Laidra and Addafor, both of who were doing their duties within the castle at the moment.

"But then how do we know it's the right one?" Acheron asked with a huff as he brought over another shelf of books. Acheron was the strongest out of them all and so it is his job to collect the books from the shelves which he thought could potentially work. "It's not like a bright light is going to erupt out of it at first touch. Or like it's going to float off the shelves" It would have been quite a spectacle to see, all of them agreed, but they knew that nothing is going to happen like that. They had to trust their instincts.

"I'd be concerned." Kelso mumbled as she flipped through a book. It would be rather concerning if anything like that happened. It would suggest that someone was watching them or that every single move they made mattered. "I feel like...we would know when we know."

Tyrell rolled his eyes with a small smile on his face. He did not agree with his sister. It was their only option but he did not like the lack of certainty in her voice. To Tyrell, the book would have to be incredibly special, the book would have to be something which held all the information that they needed. He didn't want to risk losing many books to the acidic liquid. He didn't know what kind of consequences would occur if that was the case.

"Yeah. i'm sure that you'll know." Sylvester muttered with a small smile. He had a thought running through his head, it was a thought which he didn't want to be true. It was a thought, only a thought. It would be impossible for it to actually happen. There was no reason for his thoughts to come to life and be reality.

"As long as we're looking in the right place." Devin uttered to herself as she read through the books in front of her. She still couldn't believe where they were. It was an easy decision, bringing Devin and Eden to the fae dimension. Even though the amount of humans there were mounting. It was for their safety after all. They could always use the extra hands and extra eyes,

Eden was having a field day looking at all the artworks in the library and in the books she was reading. There was something extremely magical about each individual brush stroke. It was all so beautiful to her. She tried her best to concentrate on reading but that battle was a difficult one.

"Where else could we look?" Eden asked ,interested at her cousin's choice of words. She was slightly asking if Devin knew about any secret books or libraries. She was genuinely curious about if there was another place where they could look for books on the subject.

"Grams must have written her thoughts down somewhere, or she must have gotten her information from something." She had a good point. Dawn had a lot of information. Apparently Nero didn't think about rampaging through Dawn's house to find the sources of the information. They just took the holder of the information. It would make sense for there to be a book at her house. A book with all the answers they need.

"Surely Dawn would have shown this to them if it was important?" Acheron asked the two cousins. He didn't want to sound too harsh or mean. He just wanted to make his thoughts clear, Dawn, from what he knew, seemed like she wanted to help fight off the darkness. If she knew that there was information in her possession then surely she would have told them.

"Yes but she didn't know we were after a book." Tyrell muttered as he continued to look. He wasn't on either side, he knew Dawn meant well but perhaps it could have slipped from her memory. Perhaps she knew that someone would come in search of information. She might not have wanted to put the children in any more danger than they already were.

There were a few moments of silence after the conversation, they all pondered over the information. They were getting through the library rather quickly. All of them working together meant that it didn't take a lot of time. Each of them still worried that they were missing something, Sylvester's gut feeling was growing bigger and bigger. He wanted to test something out but he was not yet willing to give up what would be sacrificed.

"Is something bothering you?" Tyrell whispered to Sylvester, it was obvious for Tyrell to be able to see the troubled look on Sylvester's face, he was also a little more tense than he usually was. It was not unusual in the recent days for Sylvester to be on edge, something seemed different this time.

"I want to try something. But it could risk losing something dear to me." Sylvester didn't really elaborate on his comment.It was becoming less and less likely that they would find the information they needed in the library. They considered getting the book with the prophecy in it to sacrifice. It just didn't seem right at all.

Sylvester stood up and walked over to Addamak, after leaving Tyrell with a small kiss on the cheek. He talked to Addamak for a few moments before another portal opened up. The others looked to Tyrell with a curious expression. Tyrell shrugged with the same expression on his own face.

When Sylvester returned, he only put a leg through the portal. "Did it." he gestured for them to follow him. They wasted no time in going through the portal. There they saw the book symbol illuminated. There was a moment of celebration. The only one who wasn't celebrating was Sylvester, who had a frown on his face.

He had sacrificed something rather dear to him. It was his first book, his first gift. He had sacrificed his red book which he had gotten from Laylian, the book which held his memories and his thoughts. The book contained him. Now he supposed that he had to become himself instead of putting it on a page. 

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