Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Bryan had no clue what Sylvester was talking about. He hadn't any idea where his friends were and with each and every second more and more flames ignited in Sylvester's eyes. It got to the point where Sylvester was giving up on getting answers the actual way. If a dark fae had controlled him then it was completely up to them how much Bryan was able to remember and recall.

"This isn't going to get anywhere." Demi muttered to herself. "What did you say they were messing with before they left?" She felt like she was missing something, like she had forgotten something really important. Sylvester looked around, he wasn't exactly sure if they had taken the thing with them when they had disappeared or if it was still around. He was too panicked when he saw what had happened and he left to get the two straight away without taking much notice.

"I'm not sure." Sylvester stood back up and moved the chair slightly as his eyes wandered around the room. Bryan had started to look for his phone, so he could use his GPS and figure otu exactly where he was. He couldn't find his phone but what he did find reminded him of a paperweight. "That." Sylvester's voice was sharp as he watched Bryan carefully.He had noticed the object in his hand, recognising it as the one which caused his friends to disappear.

"What?" Bryan asked as he threw the thing up in the air and caught it again. He looked at it oddly. "It's just a piece of junk, no clue how it got in my pocket." He was about to throw it in the corner of the room but Sylvester was quick to catch it . He immediately put it down on the table, he didn't want to go missing himself."What's your problem? It's just a....thing?"

Bryan was getting more and more annoying and obnoxious as he started to feel somewhat comfortable in the place, he couldn't help it. The house felt very comforting despite the panicked emotions coming from the other three. "You've already said you don't know what it is. So shush." Sylvester told Bryan as he sat on the floor and looked at the device.

Bryan didn't say another word as he watched the teen look at the device in such a cautious way, it made Bryan feel like he was missing something. That everything was much more serious then he could imagine. "It's what we found your on." Sylvester didn't want to touch it again in order to reveal the name on the bottom of it. He didn't want to risk touching it.He had considered it for a few moments , he thought that if he touched it then it would bring him back to Tyrell. He also knew that the idea was hopeful and foolish. He didn't know if everyone had been taken to the same place, it would be safer if he stayed with Addamak and Demitria.

"I'm not sure you did." Demi walked forward to have a good look at it herself. "Although it is my style, I haven't made anything like this before." They could trust Demi's word , if Demi was trustworthy then she would remember each and every thing that she had made . Fae take pride in their abilities and do not forget about things they've placed their energy into. If those things were destroyed the fae would be able to feel it as their energy would return to them.

"It got us here though didn't it?" Addamak looked around suspiciously, the other two had picked up one hat he meant and started to feel much more cautious. "This could be a trap." His eyes then narrowed on Bryan for a moment. Bryan looked confused and annoyed that he didn't know what on earth was happening around him. He was annoyed that he wasn't being told anything and he was shushed like a child who went to their parents work and was told to sit on the floor with paper and a pencil.

"Why would anyone plan for you to come here to be trapped though?"Demi raised her hand and rubbed her chin in thought. "If they were going to split you up, or take some of you then why not do it at Dawn's house? Or Hazel's...or anywhere but here? Instead they get another fae involved."

"Maybe they want another fae."Sylvesteer looked up with his eyebrows raised. "Or two or three or four. Who exactly is being trapped here?" Sylvester stood up and started to pace. "Either way the most experienced fae are here, there's four humans over there, and not to mention one of the fae over there is a royal. We're practically alone. In this situation, none of us are safe or at our best."

Sylvester knew that the humans would be somewhat safe, he had faith in Laylian and the others to look after each other. He could not deny the fact that the two groups were not as strong as they could be or would have been if they were together. "We'll just have to make sure we find them" Addamak said as though it was that simple.

"Yes because it will be that easy." Demi huffed sarcastically as she looked to the small device on the table. It looked relatively harmless and useless. Yet it somehow managed to make so many people disappear. Their energies were completely gone from the room. There were only slight traces of where they once stood. With each moment Sylvester got more and more upset . He didn't have much reason to feel like this in the past but felt like fifteen years worth of emotion flooded him at once. "How could we possibly find them?"

"Well...a birdie always finds its way home." Sylvester said calmly as he stared Bryan down who proceeded to sink into the settee. A plan was starting to form in Sylvester's mind. He wasn't sure if it would work and he wasn't sure if he was walking straight into a trap but he knew that the result would take him to Tyrell. He would do anything for that result.

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