Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

It had been around a year since things had started to calm down. The royals were slowly gathering their energy back. With each hug and laugh they were getting their powers back. Vanilla had never seen them as happy as they were without the crown on their head. Laidra and Addafor were still in charge of the kingdom, everything was running smoothly for the fae. There had been no riots or rebellions.

The fae's discovery tours to the human dimension had been going rather well. There was the occasional fae who wasn't allowed past the barrier which Neireith created. The barrier was rather effective in not only keeping fae with bad intentions out, but it was also effective in helping them change their ways. In most cases, the fae who were not allowed through had some ulterior motive, the denial of entry to the human dimension of ten called them out on that. It somehow made them want to change their ways, somehow.

Though today was a very special and important day for the royals. They were giving their friends another chance at ruling over the dimension for a little bit. Of course, Vansilla was in charge. Landso was acting as her advisor for the day, which was something he was ecstatic about. Acheron had shrugged slightly when the job was offered to him, he knew it would make his brother much happier if Acheron denied it. Selltresse and Vandkin were acting as supervisors of sorts, still holding not nearly enough power over those who resided in the castle.

Today was the day Kelso, Tyrell, Sylvester and Laylian graduated from school. They were all very excited and anxious. It was the middle of summer and they had to wake up incredibly early. Kelso didn't mind much as she was an early bird. She had ran out of creative ways to wake up her twin so a simple shove off the bed was good enough.

"Wakey wakey!" She said with a grin as Tyrell groaned. He had hit his head off his bedside table and it was throbbing slightly. He sat up, his hair looking like a bird's nest as it stuck out in every single direction. "You should really cut that." Kelso chuckled and pointed at the mass of hair.

"Never." His voice was hoarse and sleepy from staying up until early hours of the morning. He reached over and grabbed a hair tie to get it out of his face for the moment. "Good morning to you too." He stood up and stretched before grabbing his clothes from the bottom of the bed and heading to the bathroom.

"Good morning!" Kelso exclaimed loud enough for him to hear. It was a regular thirty minutes as they got ready to head downstairs. Hazel was already there with a cup of tea in her hands and breakfast on different seats, ready for the twins to enjoy.

"Good morning you two." Hazel said excitedly, She tried to hold back her excitement and pride. She was going to accompany the twins to get their results. She knew it wasn't normal for people to bring their parents or guardians to receive their GCSE results. It was something that she didn't have the chance to do with Lorraine, who went with her friends instead. She wanted to see the looks of happiness which crossed her grandchildren's faces when they got the results they worked so hard for.

"Good morning Nanna." The twins said at the same time as they took their seats. Tyrell was clearly struggling to keep his eyes open as he ate his toast. Kelso was jittery and fidgeting with anything which she could get her hands on. Kelso bounced her knee up and down with a steady beat and Hazel chuckled.

"There's no need to be nervous dear." Hazel said with a smile, placing her cup down and setting her arm on the side of the chair. "I am sure that you have done extremely well." Kelso was extremely anxious about her results. She didn't have a good week when it came to sitting her exams. She got her timetable all back to front and up to down. If it wasn't for Tyrell she would've been rather stuck.

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