Part 22

920 17 35

3rd Person POV

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was in a complete state of disarray. Students running around, grabbing belongings and articles of warm clothing. 

The younger students watched along in envy upon overhearing plans being made between the older students. 

The first Hogsmeade weekend finally approached and the students (and staff) were itching with anticipation they didn't know they had. Over the past week, Owls have been flying in and out of the castle as students requested money from Gringotts in order to shop to their hearts content this weekend. 

Aries and his friends were among the other anticipation filled students. They just had to eat breakfast, then they were out.

He walked around with a light feeling in his chest. He didn't realize how heavy it had previously been until it suddenly disappeared after his talk with Snape and his father. 

Aries walked around with barely hidden glee as he was finally happy and could walk around like any normal student. Well, a student whose father is the Dark Lord and is now the Minister of Magic. 

In his pocket, Aries possessed a bag his father just sent him. A bottomless Gringotts bag to be more precise. He could access as much money from his father's vault as he wished at any time. 

Tom gave him the bag without really considering the repercussions. He thought he could give his son the bag and the boy would use it responsibly. He didn't think to put any restrictions on the boy or limit the money he could access. After all, they were richer than any other wizarding family. What's the problem? 

Aries, having grown up in the middle class with his muggle relatives, never had so much spending money before. He never once had to think about what he would even do with that kind of money. 

Truth be told, he was confused when Tom sent it to him in the first place. He had his allowance money, what more would he need?

Breakfast was finally over and Aries, Ron and Hermione began their walk to the main hall where the Headmistress was collecting permission slips. Aries was telling his friends about what Tom told him. "He just sent it to me and said I could buy whatever I want". 

Ron and Hermione didn't believe him for one second. What sane parent would give their child unlimited access to their money? 

When the trio finally made it to the main hall, most of the students were already there, waiting eagerly to be set free. 

Amongst those students, Aries spotted his Slytherin friends, more specifically, Draco Malfoy. 

Aries couldn't stop the blush from slowly creeping up on his face when Draco spotted him and smiled his way. 

He couldn't help but feel like a giddy school-girl. 

Draco walked up to the trio to greet them. A shy smile crept up his face when his eyes caught those of Aries Riddle, the boy that got more handsome as the days passed. 

Aries asked Draco "What will you do in Hogsmeade?" He answered "My father's birthday is approaching and I need to find him something."

As the boys spoke, deputy Headmaster Filch arrived at the meeting point, and after getting their permission slips, allowed the students to go. 

The boy and his growing group of friends slowly made their way towards the village while discussing what they would do there. When they finally arrived, the group walked straight towards Honeydukes to check out their latest stock of sweets. 

Just A RiddleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora