Part 23

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AN: Thank you everyone! I love you all so much for sticking by this story!! And thank you to all you readers leaving comments and votes! You're truly the reason why I'm writing so much! 

(BTW I just have to say, I'm currently writing a Draco and Aries scene and I'm freaking swooning over here!!! My dude is sexy af)

3rd Person POV

Everyone in the Great Hall stared on as Aries and Draco happily walked around with interconnected hands. Even if they didn't approve, no one dared to say a thing. Draco and Aries were a force to be reckoned with alone, but now that they're together......

As soon as Aries and Draco sat down together at the Slytherin table Pansy, Theo and Blaise accosted them. "When did this happen?" "Tell us how!". 

The boys chuckled. Their friends had been hoping for this for a while now, it seems. And so they launched into a full explanation. From the time Tom asked Draco to spend time with Aries to just a few moments ago. 

Pansy smiled and said "That's so romantic! You bought him the necklace!! Too sweet 'Ris!" (AN: Yes, I did forget about this nickname, in case you were wondering. So now I'm bringing it back. On another note, anyone want to be my Beta? Avoid these mistakes?) 

Dinner passed by in a breeze and soon it was time for the new couple to part ways. They did so reluctantly. However, before Aries could walk away, Draco asked "Aries. Would you want to go on a date tomorrow? It's still a Hogsmeade weekend and I want to go on our first date. It's Sunday so many people will not go."

Aries stood tall next to Draco and whispered huskily in his ear "You had me at would you want. No need to beg, doll" 

Draco couldn't help but stare at his retreating form, shivering from hearing his tantalizing voice. 

When Aries returned to his room, he was about to take a shower when he felt his mirror vibrate. Father is trying to call him. 

Resigning to sit, Aries accepted the call and greeted Tom. (A= Aries and T=Tom) 

A- Good evening, Father.

T- Good evening, Aries son. How has your week been?

A- Pretty good really. Today was our first Hogsmeade weekend! I actually have something to tell you. 

T- Does it have to do with some of your purchases today?

A- (confused) Yeah, something like that. I bought- 

T- (cuts him off) Oh! You bought? Yeah you did buy! You probably bought out half of Hogsmeade! 

A- Father

T- No! I got a letter from Gringotts today asking me to approve an absurd number of purchases today. Naturally, I didn't want to think it was you, but the goblin confirmed that all the money was spent in Hogsmeade. 1,000 Galleons! What, in Merlin's name. were you thinking, young man?!

A- Dad.....yes I made all those purchases, but you told me I could buy whatever I wanted! Well, I wanted those things!

T- Yes, you could buy what you want. In moderation! I truly did not think I had to tell you that. Aries! You cannot go spending my money so frivolously. When I went to Gringotts, I put a limit to how much you have access to. I should have done that from the beginning. 

A- That's not fair! I have all this money from the Potters. I'll just use that.

T- You seem to forget that as your legal father, I control your funds. From now on, you will have 100 galleons to spend per month. That is more than enough. What did you even buy in Hogsmeade?

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