Part 13

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3rd Person POV

The next morning found an angsty Aries Thomas Marvolo Riddle, dressed in his new robes with a frown adorning his handsome face. 

This was not how he planned on spending his first day of school, finding out about Tom's deceit. 

He actually tried to make Aries believe he would have a future that was already semi planned. Made him believe that he actually had a purpose! 

Tom's an adult! He shouldn't be nervous! He has to know EXACTLY what to do! Isn't that what adults are for?!

Poor Aries doesn't realize that this is human nature and no one is perfect, not even his new father. He doesn't know just how irrational he's being. This would be his downfall. 

He met with Ron and Hermione is the Gryffindor common room and they went down to the Great Hall together for breakfast. 

The Heads of Houses were going around, handing out schedules. 

All at one time, the Heads approached Aries and handed him his schedule. McGonnogal said "Mr. Riddle. As I told you at the end of the previous term, you have your own rooms and since you will be representing all houses, house points cannot be taken, so where house points should be taken, lines will be assigned to you. 1 house point equals to one line written. Rewards given will be up to the professor. Should you have an issues, you may come to any Head of House. Good Luck." 

Aries looked at his schedule and it's made up of a healthy amount of classes with all the houses. It'll give him a chance to bond with them all since he's technically housemates with them all. 

 He had Charms with Slytherins and Gryffindors for his first class of the day, really, he had all his classes with them today. Mondays and Wednesdays follow them and Tuesdays and Thursdays are with Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. Fridays were free study.

He walked with Hermione, Ron, and Neville to the charms classroom where the Professors simply reviewed the old material to ease the students into the new material. 

That's really how the entire week would go. A few classes per day and the professors went easy on them since summer just ended. 

Finally classes were finished for the day, and Aries could finally relax in his rooms. He slumped down on one of the couches in his private sitting room and contemplated his situation. 

Why was he being so emotional? Why was it even upsetting him in the first place? So what, Tom is nervous? He's just being dramatic over nothing right? 

Yea, definitely. He's totally being overdramatic. 

Taking a deep breath, he shut his eyes and tried to let the negativity out. 

What is wrong with him? Why is this so hard?! "UUGHH" Aries groaned out loud. Maybe it would be easier to just ignore it? 

He thought it would be best to communicate. So, he pulled out a sheet of parchment and began writing a letter. Before he could begin though, he realized that we was about to voluntarily write a letter to Voldemort/Tom. Then, he set out to write. 


I am here at Hogwarts, settling back into routine. Surely they have informed you that I have been sorted into all four houses so, I have a somewhat unique position with access to all houses. I did not write to you when we got in last night because, well, I suppose that does not matter now, just that I've gotten over  whatever anger I was plagued with. 

However, there is something I have been thinking about for a while now. You've adopted me, but what is you plan now? What was your goal is getting my guardianship? Or do you already have something planned? 

Other than that, I wanted to let you know of my safe arrival. 

                                                                                                   - Aries 

There it is, short and sweet. He figured it would be best to ask him right away what his intentions were. He promptly sent Hedwig with the letter and proceeded to dinner. 

In the Great Hall, he sat with his friends at the Gryffindor table. Aries actually decided on something. He would make it his mission to get to know each house by spending meals at a designated table everyday. Mondays were Gryffindor, Tuesday Hufflepuff, Wednesday Slytherin, and Thursday Ravenclaw. 

This would also be his way of making friends outside of Gryffindor and his one "friend" in Slytherin. 

Truth be told, he didn't know what Draco was to him. 

He would figure it out though, he had all year to do it. 


Tom thought that the manor was rather quiet now that Aries is gone. It's just him and the house elves now, and they quiver at the sight of him. 

He woke the next morning and had his breakfast alone. He already missed Aries' presence and it has only been a mere day. At breakfast, Tom expected a letter from Aries to arrive, after all, it is something he's supposed to do. 

Alas, not a single letter came and Tom was actually disappointed. He fully expected contact after  Aries told him he was willing to try for a relationship. 

Tom put his feelings aside for the time being as he focused on the task at hand, being the minister. 

The day slowly crept by and Tom finally decided to return to the empty manor. 

The elves prepared dinner for him and when he sat the eat, an elf popped in with a letter for him. 

It was from Aries! He dampened his barely hidden glee to open the letter and read its contents. 

Aries wanted to know what his plans were......

Tom could only sit and ponder. What are his plans, eh? 

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