Part 21

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3rd Peron POV

Aries stood up and began to protest. The spanking he just received seemed to disappear from his mind "That's unfair! No other student's parent is DATING their professor and no one has to have progress reports sent out."

Tom said with finality "Then show me you are capable of change, Aries Thomas Marvolo Riddle."

And he was determined to change, in the eyes of his father at least. He's independent, he'll be fine. 

Aries now understood that no longer how much be misbehaved, his father will still court Snape. That didn't mean he had to be happy about it though. 

Tom took the silence as acceptance and made his move to leave. However, he decided to turn around and leave his son with one more remark. "This behavior ends tonight Aries. If I have to come back here because of another jealous stint, you will not like the consequences. I've come here too many times for my liking and it's only been one month into term."

He then hugged his son goodbye and proceeded to leave. 

Aries took a deep, staggering breath in anxiety. This isn't how things were supposed to go. He had to fix it. 


Tom just left through the floo and Severus Snape sat down in his office thinking about the events that led up to today. He had been selfish and gave into the desires that ultimately made him happy. 

His self indulgence had ruined the relationship between the man he loves and his son. Unfortunately, he knew that he had to give up the relationship to save theirs. Aries will never accept. 

Severus rubbed his hands over his face in frustration. Why can't he ever be happy? Severus squeezed his eyes shut and gave into the last resort as a shaky hand reached into his desk to reach for the fire whiskey. 

Years ago he swore to himself that if he was ever in such a state, he would never resort to drinking alcohol. He refused to turn into his father. 

Yet here he was, giving into the very thing he refused multiple times before. 

GOD!! Why is he so broken?!

He began to chuckle to himself humorlessly. This would become his undoing. 

Severus nursed the drink in his hand and let his mind wander. Maybe he just had to accept his fate. Lily wouldn't love him and Tom couldn't. 

A knock at his office door shook him out of his musings. A flick of his wand revealed Aries on the other side. Severus quickly tried to hide his drink from view. No need for the boy to know that his actions unknowingly drove him to drink. 

Surprisingly, Aries said "Don't stop on my account, Professor."

Sev asked "What brings you here at this hour Mr. Riddle. There's 30 minutes until curfew."

Aries sighed and made himself comfortable for what appeared to be a difficult conversation. He said "Things are not going well, professor. I can't help but feel so jealous of you and possessive of father. I don't want to be"

Sev was leaning back in his chair and asked "Is this what led to your continuous animosity towards me?"

Aries squished together his eyebrows and said "I don't want to feel this way, but I'm afraid I've taken it out on you. I took it out on father and it only led to something unpleasant. 

Professor and student sat silently together for a moment before Sev got the courage to ask "Do you not approve of us? Your father and I? Are you with men?"

A dark chuckle passed Aries' lips in a way that told Sev that wasn't the case. Aries leaned over the desk conspiratorially and said "I'm unsure of my sexuality no, I'm against you and father because I want him for myself." Of course! Aries knew he wasn't homophobic. 

This time, Snape learned over the desk and said "Do you see me as a threat? Because I can assure you, I'm not" 

Aries didn't believe him for a second. 

He said "The only reason he comes here is because you're whispering in his ear. Talking to him about me. You two don't have anything else to do except parley?"

Venom escaped Aries' mouth as he uttered the words he knew not to be true. He knew he was being irrational, but what other explanation was there?

Sev gulped down the rest of his drink and said " I'm not here to steal him from you. We've fancied each other for years and it has now come out."

Upon finally hearing the explanation his father failed to reveal, Aries pulled back the hostility threatening to spill over. Had Tom explained this from the beginning, a lot of hurt could have been avoided. The man didn't even know he had to. 

Astonishment washed over both men. Aries because he didn't know, and Severus because they came to a resolution without even trying. 

Aries asked "So, this didn't just start now?" and Severus affirmed it.

The boy nearly fell over in desperate relief as he realized that he was indeed enough. His father wasn't tossing him aside? He was acting on past feelings?

The heavy atmosphere that surrounded both males finally dissipated and they sagged back in sheer relief. 

Things will be okay. 

Snape asked "Is that what was bothering you? Did you fear being inadequate? Because I assure you, Tom absolutely thinks you're enough. 

Aries nearly sobbed in happiness, all feelings of inferiority began to leave his body and mind. 

He is enough 

He is enough

He is enough 

Snape also wanted to sigh in relief. It seems as though he doesn't have to break off the only relationship that's made him happy in 15 years. 

Himself and the boy seem to have mended whatever darkness threatened their livelihood. 

It looks like it will be okay. 

They're okay. 

Without another word, Aries left the office and went straight to his room. He grabbed his two way mirror and connected to Tom.

The man answered frantically and said "Aries. Is everything okay?"

Aries couldn't help the tears from free falling down his face. Immediately, Tom flooed back over to Hogwarts and straight to his son's room. 

Tom gathered the boy in his arms and Aries hugged back with such ferocity, Tom thought something bad happened. 

He asked "Aries? Son? What has happened?"

Aries was forced to reach into the depths of his mind and pull himself together. Now is not the time for tears.

All he said was "I understand and I'm sorry"

Tom was of course confused and Aries had to relay that afternoon's events. 

Aries said "I'm sorry that after so many years of you being so lonely, I tried to block your happiness. I was selfish and didn't realize how long you were harboring those feelings."

Tom pulled him back and said "Aries. You did not block my happiness. You are my happiness." 

The dam broke and Aries cried into the arms of the man he hated for so many years. He waited for so long to hear that.

This is family. His family. 

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