Part 24

704 13 16

Warning: Swearing is used in this chapter. 

WARNING: Mild to moderate torture scene.

3rd Person POV

Darkness. The only thing Aries could see when he opened his eyes. 

Pain. A headache. The only thing he could feel.

Biting cold. His teeth are chattering. What happened last night? Did things go okay with Draco? 

Draco! The date! 

The strawberries.

Ugh! How could he be so stupid?! He knows better than to just eat something without checking it out first. 

He realized he was laying down, but his hands and feet were bound. 

Aries then realized that Draco may be with him! 

He whispered "Draco. Draco! Are you there? Wake up!" His assumption was proven true when he heard a light groan come from across him. 

Aries listened helplessly as Draco went though the same struggle he endured only a moment ago. 

He said "Draco. Don't worry, I'm here." 

Aries tried to sit up as he heard Draco struggling to escape his own predicament. With much effort, Aries was able to pull his blindfold off using his upper arm. 

The piece of cloth fell to the ground and Aries was finally able to really take a look around the room. The word "room" being used loosely because it was a small 10 X 10 room, reeking of urine and desperation. 

When he finally gained his bearings, he said "Draco, try to take off your blindfold. Use your upper arm to pull it down. We have to get free." 

Draco began to do this while Aries used his teeth to pull at the knot keeping his wrists together. When he finally got them free, he quickly untied his legs and then helped Draco. 

He turned to Aries and asked "Do you know anything about where we are? Who took us? What they even want?"

Aries shook his head negatory. He just hoped they can figure it out soon. Hopefully someone has noticed their absence and contacted the aurors. 

The two boys stood up shakily, using one another for support.  Aries held tightly onto Draco and began searching for his wand. It wasn't there and they weren't able to do magic at all.

Draco said "Shit! How did we end up here?!"

Aries said "Those chocolate covered strawberries we ate in the Three Broomsticks. They just popped up and we ate them."

Draco was about to reply when a man walked in. 

The same man from the pub!

Aries narrowed his eyes at the man and hissed viciously "You! You kidnapped us?! Why?!"

The man snarled and yelled "Shut up, boy! You're just a pawn piece and have no reason to talk!"

What?! Now Draco was angry "No! Now we're obviously from prominent families. The minister's son and a ministry official's son. He's holding us for ransom."

The man smiled an ugly grin the same time a younger man walked in.

He clapped slowly and said "Now whoever said the Malfoy heir was daft?" in a sarcastic way

He then narrowed his eyes into slits and said "You got out of your restraints too?" 

Then he turned to the older man and barked out "Rolph! Take care of it!"

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