Part 31

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A/N: More mentions of child abuse in this chapter. Also, I don't know how trials work so there will be many MANY inaccuracies and things that probably would never happen in an actual court, let alone a magical court. 

3rd Person POV

The days leading up to the trial were pretty brutal if Tom could say. 

Not too long after his moment with Aries, the boy returned to Hogwarts and Tom made his way back home where he intended to gather all the evidence he could find and contact his solicitor. 

Aries had to work with both men to truly bring to light everything the Dursleys did. This included plenty of memory-extracting and even more moments of Aries facing the corner as the painful memories agitated the boy and caused him to lash out at Tom and their solicitor Henry. 

Aries turned around from the empty corner of his father's office for the third time that day and sat down next to Tom. "Fine. I'm sorry I called you a codger, Henry" Aries grudgingly said, rolling his eyes. 

Tom shot him a stern look and said "No more of this, young man. We need to finish so you can return to school. This is the last of these meetings until the trial in 2 days."

Henry smiled in return though "It's alright, I've been called worse. Let's finish up."

Aries slumped in his chair like the teenager he was and allowed Tom to extract the last few memories he had of the Dursleys locking him in his cupboard while they went on vacation for two weeks.

Henry thanked the two before leaving with his bag filled with indisputable evidence of Aries' mistreatment at the hands of Vernon and Petunia. 

The man finally left and Aries turned to look at Tom "Are you sure Professor McGonnogal gave me permission to leave Hogwarts to go to the trial?"

When Tom first hired Henry and got the whole process going, they were initially surprised they got a trial date so soon. But then again, they were a high-profile family and once the public heard what happened, they were out for blood.

Tom sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose "Yes Aries, she has given you, Herminonite, Ronald, and Draco permission"

Aries snorted and said "It's Hermione, Dad, not whatever that was"

Tom cracked a smile and said "We'll be okay, Aries, don't worry. Now get back to school before I decide to smack that naughty bottom for calling me a twat"

Aries ducked his head and smiled slyly "Hey I did my time for that!"

Tom smirked as Aries said, "By the way, I'm not a big fan of this whole corner thing!"

He replied "Then stop having tantrums"

Aries was going to reply but then Tom practically shoved him through the fireplace and they popped into Severus' office.

The boy bit back a disgusted groan as his father greeted the Potions master with a deep, passionate kiss that lasted a little too long. 

Aries let his disgust be known now "Eugh get a room."

Tom stopped long enough to side-eye his son and said "How about you go to yours? I'll pick you up before the trial."

After Aries stomped off, Tom pulled away and sat down on a chair tiredly. Severus smiled sympathetically "It's been rough, eh?"

Tom looked at him through his fingers "Brutal's been more like it. Aries has been drudging through every bad memory he has of those muggles. I've tried to be sympathetic but he keeps pushing my buttons. And I've had to push back."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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