Part 14

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3rd Person POV

Tom Marvolo Riddle has been asked plenty of questions during this lifetime. But the one question that stumped him came from his son.

In a letter, Aries asked him what exactly his plans were after the adoption. This was something he really had to think about.

Tom's original plan was to get Aries out of a bad situation when he learned that Aries' upbringing was similar to his own. He really only thought about this when he was in limbo before being brought back to life that day in the maze.

Being in limbo actually allowed him to think rationally. In limbo, his soul was completely intact.

When he first learned of Aries' situation, he couldn't stop thinking about it. He could see himself in the young boy and wanted to help him. It wasn't that hard to take him in when it was confirmed that they are distant family.

But, was is his plan? Long, hard contemplation.

Pulling out his favorite quill and some parchment he began to write a reply.


I am relieved to hear of your safe arrival at Hogwarts. I really would want us to communicate regularly so, I will be looking into investing in a two way mirror for faster access.

As per your question, my plan is to have you become my heir. Just as I explained to you on the day of your adoption. I want you to continue the Riddle line and the other lines you are otherwise connected to.

Again, on the day of your adoption, I explained that I wanted to rescue you from the muggles. I no longer wish harm for muggles and muggleborns. Their bloodlines cannot be helped! This is why I am now in politics. You know of my current plans which I will not be mentioning in this letter.

Just know that it was never my intention to make you feel as though I adopted you for no specific reason. I planned this for a long time.

Contact me if you need anything and remember to behave yourself.



Short, sweet, and to the point. This is what their communication has come to. Sighing, Tom summoned an elf and commanded it to deliver the letter to his son.

Sitting back in his office chair, Tom marveled at what his life has become. Before, he was hellbent on killing the prophecy child. Now, said child is his son and heir.

His son. something he never thought he would say.


The first week at Hogwarts went surprisingly well for Aries. He was able to sit with each house throughout the designated days and chat with a few students.

The professors and the headmistress were impressed with the way he carried himself. In the previous years, Aries didn't know the political customs he should have known being the Potter heir and the staff begrudgingly had to give the credit to Voldemort.

They knew that they should be working on a way to arrest Voldemort, but there is no way they could! With him in office, they can't order the dementors to collect him and he was too powerful for any wizard, especially with his bodyguards around. With Aries under his thumb and Dumbledore dead, any chance they had at defeating him was done. They had to be patient though.

Friday afternoon came around and Aries could be seen in the library, working on his little weekend homework. He was finishing up his last essay when Draco approached him.

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