Part 19

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A/N: Thank you everyone for reading! Somewhere down the chapter, you'll need this! 

Red= angry. Orange= afraid. Yellow= surprised. Green = happy. Blue= sad. Purple= disgusted. Violet= embarrassed. 

But I won't tell you what it's for! 


3rd Person POV

Severus Snape. The bane of Aries' existence. There he stood in the corridor, watching over the students as they traveled between classes.

Aries loathed the man now more than ever. He was the reason father couldn't give him all his love. And he would make the man pay for it.

Tom thought everything was settled when he left the castle after talking to Aries. He thought the boy understood and everything would be okay.

Boy was he wrong.

The only thing that visit served was to make Aries even more jealous and angry. It was all because Severus Snape caught the eye of his father. Now his father wants to explore another relationship. Ha!

Ridiculous is what it is! Aries will show his father that he only needs his son.

When his father told him he was lonely, he realized that it was only because he didn't have anything to do. Not to worry, Aries will give him something to do.

He just happened to have a free period the same time as the Weasley twins. Aries slipped passed  the terror twins, subtly placing a note into Fred's hand. The note said Gred and Forge, please meet me in the RoR in 10 minutes. - Ris. (AN: Yes I've decided to have his friends call him "Ris" as a nickname.) 

Aries thought he had the perfect plan. Get Tom's attention! He couldn't go too far though. No, he couldn't do anything to jeopardize his place in Hogwarts, although it was unlikely they would expel him. 

The only thing he could do was team up with the twin terrors. 

Aries casted a quick tempus and saw that he needed to meet the twins. He walked to the seventh floor and he couldn't help but contemplate what he was planning on doing, just a few harmless pranks right? Nothing major. It'll be okay. 

That's what he kept repeating in his head as the door to the room of requirement revealed itself to him. He walked in and was greeted by the sight of the smirking terror twins. 

F- Fred       G- George 

F- Well well well. If it isn't 

G- Our precious Aries Riddle 

F- Son of our 

G- Esteemed 

F- Minister of Magic 

G- What can we do for you? 

Arie's eyes shot back and forth as the twins took turns speaking to him. He chuckled and said "Same old Fred and George. Here's the gist boys. I want to plan a few pranks, get the school laughing. Things are too morose here."

Fred and George exchanged a look and actually laughed at him. 

F- We'd love to help you 

G- Ickle Ris, but we want 

F- The truth first 

Aries sighed and told them "When my father was here yesterday, he told me that he's lonely at Riddle manor without any company. And well......he's seeking companionship. As you can see.....I always had to share with the Dursley's, not that I got much to begin with, and well, now that I finally don't have to share, I don't want to. The person who my father wishes to court, I'm mad at him. Mad that my father even wishes to give him attention. Does that make sense?"

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