Part 7

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3rd Person POV

Aries jumped out the floo from Diagon Alley, to the Weasleys, and lastly, to Hogsmeade, just in case anyone was following.

Is this what an existential crisis feels like? Crippling fear and panic? Aries begins to pace the length of The Hog's Head as he thinks about everything.

After he was adopted. Aries pushed his new guardian's limit to the point where his next act of rebellion might be the tip. How much was too much?

But then again, can he stay there? No! He can't, but he has to! There was a blood adoption involved! There's no overturning a blood adoption.

Why was everyone so willing to let this happen!? Was Voldemort really that influential? What should he do?


Draco felt a blind panic hit as Aries disappeared into the floo. He tried to follow, but the other was too fast.

He began to pace up and down the corridor. What would happen when Voldemort returns?

Draco took a few deep, calming breaths and sat down. He had to go about this rationally. The dark lord trusted him to watch over his son, and what did Draco do? Lose him!

There's only one thing to do. Find him. He decided to go to the floo and check all the places Aries would be.
That would be The Weasleys, the mudblood, and Diagon Alley for now.
Aries didn't know what to do about his new guardian, but he did know that he couldn't stay there.

Walking out of the Hog's Head, Aries walked to the only place he knew Tom or anyone wouldn't find him. 12 Gimmauld Place.

Finding his way into the small abode, he made himself comfortable. He would be there for a while. He had to figure everything out.

Aries didn't want to admit it, but he was scared! After all he's done to Voldemort over the past few weeks, he's surprised the man didn't try to kill him already!

Aries called for Dobby. The elf popped in and he asked "Harry Potter!"

Aries chuckled and said "I'm not really Harry Potter anymore Dobby."
The elf got a fierce look on its face and said "You will always be Harry Potter! Now how can Dobby help you?"

Aries laughed and said "Dobby I'm sure you know about my situation by now. Well the situation just hit me and I really don't want to stay with that monster so I want to stay here for a while. Don't tell ANYONE that I'm here."

Dobby said "Yes Harry Potter sir. Dobby will tell no one. I will clean a room for you and cook your meals."

Aries nodded and said "Thank you Dobby."

With that, Aries resolved to lay on the couch and nap.

Tom decided to only spend half a day at work and come home to fix things with Aries. He really didn't like the way things were going with the boy.

Tom decided to only go to work sometimes. After all, he is the Minister.

He walked into their home and began looking for Aries who should be with Draco. He looked all around the house, but couldn't find either of them. He was understandably upset that they went out without permission.

He decided to wait in Aries' bedroom for them to return. As if it was planned, the floo flared and a figure came out. Tom stood and waited for the arrival to look at him. They would feel his wrath soon enough.

Tom couldn't explain the feeling that washed over him when the figure turned out to be Draco Malfoy, alone.

Tom masked his face with a calm facade and said "Draco. Where is my son?"

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