Part 30

410 10 1

3rd Person POV


Aries winced upon hearing the loud crashes coming from his father's study.

Immediately after hearing Aries' recollection of his childhood, Tom muttered some half-hearted excuse and briskly walked out the room.

Aries bit his lip nervously as he heard the crashes get louder. He hesitantly walked over to the room and knocked on the door. "Father?"

The noise immediately stopped and the door opened to reveal a disheveled looking Tom. He rubbed his hand over his hair to smooth it and said "What those disgusting muggles did to you was despicable! I am going to press charges the magical way and the muggle way. They will not get away with hurting you like they did."

Aries wrung his hands nervously and said "It's fine."

Tom whipped his head around and looked at him with a bewildered look on his face "It is not fine, Aries! They hurt you! Made you suffer, now I'll make them suffer.

Aries' eyes widened and he asked "Oh really, Minister of Magic?"

Tom paid him no mind though. "They will pay for the abuse they put you through Aries. You are a child of magic, you should have been treasured like every other magical child, instead you were treated like a mere house elf."

Without waiting for a response, he stormed out the room and straight to the fireplace, with Aries not far behind.

"Dad! You can't just-"

Tom quickly spun around and cut him off "I can't just what?! Protect you?! Defend you?! I knew you were mistreated, which is why I took you in, but this? This is vile! You were locked in a broom cupboard for Merlins sake!"

For once, Aries remained silent for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"It wasn't that bad. Plus, I got out" He replied meekly. But it was no use. Tom made up his mind.

Tom flooed to the Ministry where he intended on speaking with the Supreme Mugwump and other ministry officials to bring those muggles up on charges.

Aries wrung his hands nervously. He didn't think Tom would react this way. Maybe be a little upset, sure. But he seemed downright angry. He decided to pull out his trusty three- way parchment and a self inking quill.

A= Aries R= Ron H= Hermione 

A- Ron? Herm?

H- Hey Ris!

R- Hiya mate! 

A- So..... I told Tom about the Dursley's just now.

H- What happened?

A- ***Explains***

R- Blimey mate, that's rough.

H- Are you alright Aries?

A- No. I don't want him to do anything. I just want him to leave it alone.

H- But why? They certainly deserve it

A- I just- I don't understand why it's such a big deal! It wasn't that bad!

R- Ris. A spanking isn't that bad. You were abused and they should be punished. 

H- Think of this. What if me or Ron told you that our parents forced us to cook from 3 years old, beat us constantly and didn't feed us. What would you say? 

A- I would be furious.

H- And that's how Tom feels. He's your dad and I think until now he's shown he cares, so just let him! 

Just A RiddleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon