Part 25

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3rd Person POV

Surely this isn't punishment for all his misdeeds, right?

Aries couldn't be sure because it surely felt like punishment.

It had only been two days since they were kidnapped, but it felt like longer. Aries and Draco pitifully leaned against one another as the weakness overtook them.

In those two days, the boys were tortured with any and all spells Rayland and Rolph could think of. They were also neglected to be given any food. Just a bit of water at the end of the day.

Unfortunately Aries was used to this being with the Dursleys, but Draco was not. He was used to a full belly at the end of each day.

Aries sensed Draco's pain and placed a comforting hand over his. "We'll be okay, love. Father is looking for us."


Tom was certainly looking for his missing son. Leaving no stone unturned.

He could barely contain the rage that threatened to boil over. Who dared to kidnap HIS son and HIS heir?!

A humorless laugh escaped his lips when he thought about the situation. The entire time, Aries was trying to escape him, and just as they finally settled their small family, Aries is taken from him.

The first place Tom and his group looked was, of course, the Three Broomsticks. The moment Tom walked in, every person in the room turned to stare. Who could miss the opportunity to see the minister fervently searching for his son?

He walked straight up to the matron in charge and asked "I'm sure you remember my son Aries Riddle and Draco Malfoy were in this establishment yesterday?"

When the matron gave her confirmation, he said "They were both kidnapped from here and I need to know what happened."

The matron quickly recounted what little she could remember of the two boys, but alas she was not much help.

Tom and his team scoured Hogsmeade in hopes that something, anything would reveal itself about what happened to the boys.

He quickly casted a notice-me-not charm before burying his face in his hands. He breathed deeply and then sighed. Tom knew he couldn't afford to break down and certainly not publicly. 

He visited every merchant in a 50 mile radius of Hogwarts. Two days went by and Tom was no where near finding Aries. He vented his frustrations out on himself; frequently pulling his hair in all directions and pacing the rooms when given a chance. 

Tom was in his office, pacing again, when it happened. Lucius Malfoy rushed in through the fireplace. "Minister! You must come see this!"

Tom didn't even care to scold Lucius for his lack of composure before following the man through the fire.

The men landed in the Three Broomsticks and exited the establishment before walking around the corner. Lucius said "We closed off the area before I came for you. Look here."

It took him a minute, but wedged behind a few fallen stones was a black, shiny, something.....Tom's eyes widened. "Aries' pendant!"

Tom used his wand to levitate the discarded piece of jewelry. He closely inspected the last known connection to his son. 

Once again, Tom's eyes widened, what is this?

He rubbed his hand over the pendant and lifted it to eye level. He spotted a dark red substance over the actual pendant. 


Tom thought he could explode right there. His son's blood has been spilt! A growl escaped his throat, causing Lucius to take a couple steps back in apprehension. 

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