Part 20

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3rd Person POV

Tom left his son in the Headmistress' office, completely unaware of what was going though his head. Father of the year, right? 

He legitimately thought that simply explaining to Aries what his feelings were would immediately make the boy more accepting. After all, he is 15. He doesn't need his father's constant presence. 

He would come to regret this later. 

Tom arrived at Severus' door and entered after knocking. 

He wore the smallest of smiles when he saw the surly man sitting behind his desk. 

"Tom. How are you?" The man in question simply gathered him in his arms, allowing Severus to sit in his lap.

"Severus. I apologize for Aries' behavior. I talked to him about it a few moments ago. It seems he is jealous of our growing relationship."

At this, even Severus had to crack a smile. "Did he tell you why?"

Then Tom frowned "No he didn't" But then he released Severus off his lap and said "This has been very nice, but I do have to go. The headmistress called as I was about to sit in on the Wizengamot." They said their goodbyes and Tom left though Sev's fireplace. 

Tom forgot to see Aries one least time before he left. He didn't think it was a big deal.

It was. 

Aries truly couldn't fathom why he was so jealous of the Potions Master, but he was. Sure the man is his teacher and he requires SOME level of respect, but how much does he really need? 

And so the week progressed and Aries went to all his classes and did his work, trying to keep his mind off things. Well, all but one class. Three guesses which class. 

Yes, Potions. Aries absolutely avoided doing any type of work in this class. Truth be told, he couldn't stand the sight of that man. 

Yes he did go to classes, but he sat in the back and avoided the man like the plague. Now, Aries wasn't normally the type of student to stand up and make himself known in classes, yet he did try to answer questions. 

However, right now Aries was not trying to do anything in that class. All he did was sit there. He didn't answer questions, he didn't do his homework, he didn't brew his potions, and he didn't study for the exam. 

He simply wanted the class to be over. 

Now, Severus Snape was not one to be pushed around. He didn't withstand any nonsense, even from his Slytherins, but Aries Riddle seemed to be a different case. The boy who was once the son of Lilly Potter and is now the son of the former dark lord, his "boyfriend". 

He didn't think he'd ever be the type to play favorites, but here he is, letting this despicable behavior pass, and only because he got butterflies in his stomach when thinking about Tom. 

Friday morning was the day of the big potions exam that covered the Draught of Peace which usually shows up on the OWLs, so it was important that everyone got it right. 

Aries didn't care though. Nope. He was just looking forward to getting the class over with so he could escape the man that caused problems with his family. Problems that no one else saw. 

And so he went to Potions that morning and he took the exam which was harder than he thought it would be. I guess that's what happens when you don't study. 

He brewed the potion how he thought it was supposed to be and he was honestly just happy that it didn't blow up. When he was done, it was a nice pastel pink color and Aries figured that meant it would make the drinker nice and peaceful. He happily left the Potions classroom, not noticing the dark eyes that watched him. 

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