Part 28

467 13 6

3rd Person POV

Aries angrily paced his room.

Just when he finally settles with Tom, the man lies to him! 

It was he and Draco that got kidnapped! Not anyone else! They deserved to see their kidnappers get tried and put away!

He threw some floo powder in the fireplace and fire called Draco who arrived home that morning. 

Draco was sitting in his comfortable armchair when he answered the call from Aries. He was happy to see him until he noticed the dark look on Aries' face. "What's wrong Ris?"

Aries began to angrily pace again "Did you know there was a Wizengamot meeting about our kidnapping today? Our kidnappers got put away in Azkaban."

Draco frowned "I didn't know. Why didn't anyone say anything?"

Aries said, "That's what I'm trying to find out."

Draco tentatively asked, "Did your father tell you?"

Aries absentmindedly shook his head and said "No, I found out through the Daily Prophet. Apparently, the news reporters were fit to hear about it before us."

He began to pace again "How am I supposed to trust him now? He's supposed to tell me these things right? 

Draco knew he had to be careful, his chosen had a very volatile temper. "Ris? Maybe he had a good reason. Maybe you should talk to him."

Aries chose to brew in his feelings instead. He thought bitterly "Sirius would've told me."

Suddenly a cold feeling washed over him. Sirius! In all this time playing house with Tom, he forgot about Sirius! 

A new feeling of shame overcame him. How could he forget about his godfather? The man that risked it all for him. 

Where is the man? Is he okay? Is he safe? 

He began to pace, forgetting that Draco was right there. Cautiously, Draco asked, "What's wrong, luv?"

Aries wrung his hands together anxiously. "Where's Sirius? I forgot all about him! I feel terrible."

Draco shook his head and tried to assuage him "Luv, it's alright. I'm sure he'll understand once you explain. You haven't exactly had the time lately."

Aries was still pacing though. "Should I send him a letter?"

Draco nodded "That's a good start. But let's get back to talking about your father. Yes he may have omitted the truth, but maybe he was just trying to protect you."

Aries said "I don't need protecting. Why aren't you more upset?"

Draco said "I am upset! I just don't want you to do anything rash, then you'll get punished and we may not be able to see each other."

Aries softened. He was right. It wouldn't do to explode on his father now.

He said "You're right luv. Thanks for listening to my rant. We'll see each other soon."

Aries decided to give himself time and write that latter to Sirius.

He say down, quill in hand, but he didn't know what to write. How do you say 'sorry I haven't spoken to you godfather. I've been with my dad and forgot about you'?


He shook his head frustratedly and decided to just write.

Hey Padfoot!

       It's Harry! Well I actually go by Aries now- though I'm sure you know that by now. 

Where to start? I'm sorry I've taken so long to reach out to you. Things have been rather crazy here and I haven't had a chance to talk to you. I'm really sorry, Siri.

I'm sure you've heard all about what happened to be since Tom decided to adopt me. Could we meet one day and talk about it? I've missed you and would like to see you. Write soon!

- Aries 

Aries looked over the letter once more and decided it would be enough. He whistled for Hedwig who promptly grabbed the letter in her beak and flew away after he asked her to take it to Sirius.

Then a thought occurred to him. Shouldn't he be in school?

Aries didn't want to go downstairs though. He didn't want to face Tom after the man practically betrayed him. 

He had been so open and honest before, why hide things now?

With that thought in mind, he decided to just go back himself. He couldn't miss too much more school.

So Aries grabbed his luggage and trudged over to his fireplace and flooed back to Hogwarts, right in his bedroom. 

He didn't bother putting anything away and just curled up on his favorite couch, knees to chest, staring into the fire.

Was he overreacting? He was kidnapped, he deserved to see his kidnappers trial, right?

Aries let the confusion take over as be buried his head in his heads, allowing the tears to fall. 

This isn't fair.

A flutter of wings could be heard as an owl dropped a letter onto his lap. Sirius replied already?

The handwriting was his. Aries wasted no time in ripping open the letter. 


No please do not be sorry. I would never fault you for not writing. Mostly because I know you wouldn't write for no reason.

If anything, I need to apologize. Apologize for not reaching out sooner. Apologize for not fighting for you. When Molly told he about the adoption, I stormed over to the Ministry, but apparently the new Minister sealed your files with magic.

There wasn't anything I could do except make appeals, that are of course being ignored.

I would love to see you soon pup. I am actually staying in Hogsmeade for a few days. Maybe we can meet before I must go back to Black Manor? Or you could visit? I am staying at the Hogshead, room 28. Reply soon!

Love, Sirius 

Aries didn't need to think about it, he dropped the letter, stood in the floo and popped over to the Hogshead.

He knocked on room 28 and allowed the inhabitant to pull him into the room. 

But the person he was facing was indeed not Sirius Black.

He should've known the one who wrote him was an imposter. Sirius always calls him Pup.

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