Part 5

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3rd Person POV

The next day at Riddle Manor was less quiet as it used to be since Aries moved in. During breakfast he came to the table with his lines and ate his breakfast quietly. Tom looked over the lines and noticed something off about it.

He stared intently at them and then his eyes widened in realization. He stared at Aries with internal amuse. Tom didn't know that it was possible, but it was. Aries wrote his lines, but it had attitude between the lines! Aries' lines had an attitude to them! How does written word have sass?!

After breakfast, Aries left the table, but instead of going straight to his room as usual, he went to his entertainment room! Tom didn't have time to marvel though as he quickly called Aries back into the room. He said "Aries, as I mentioned the day before, I have made changes to your list of rules that you MUST obey." Aries replied "Alright fine." and he sat down.

Tom said "These are your new rules-

1. Under no circumstances will you take your pendant off.

2. I expect your grades to be nothing less than an E.

3. You will not lie to me or sneak off.

4. If you go out you must get my permission as well as informing me where you are going, who you will be with and when you will be back.

5. Allowance will be 50 galleons per week.

6. The elves will do all the work so there are no chores.

7. Homework must be completed before doing anything else.

8. You will set aside study time 4 days per week.

9. A tutor will teach you everything you need to know concerning politics and the Wizengamot.

10. Be respectful

11. Ask permission if you want to have friends over.

12. Ask permission if you want to use your personal floo."

Aries was shocked. He listed off so many rules and they were strict too. He didn't know how long the disrespect and rebellion will last. Tom's patience will only go for so long.

He mustered up enough courage to roll his eyes and say "Seriously? I'm 15."
Tom narrowed his eyes and said "Firstly, you are still 14 until 31 July, and secondly, you will do as I say. I am the adult."

Aries huffed and said "Whatever." Tom decided to leave him be and said "I am off to work then. The minister is very busy as you know." With that, he left Aries to his own devices.

Deciding to not peeve off Tom too much, Aries gets started on studying. He's able to go through his books from potions year one through four when an elf appears to tell him that lunch is ready. He eats lunch alone and contemplates his new life. Just two weeks ago he was Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, could do what he wanted and go where he wanted. Now, he is Aries Riddle, son and heir to Tom Riddle, formerly known as Lord Voldemort, and he has to follow a bunch of rules.

Suddenly Aries wondered how he could be so okay with this?! The Wizarding world's number 1 enemy adopted him with no trouble and he's just going along with it?! No, no that is not supposed to happen! He should be fighting against Voldemort the whole time, right? Shouldn't he be trying to do something to get out of this? Shouldn't Mcgonnogal be doing something to get him out of this? Speaking of Mcgonnogal , she hasn't even tried to speak with Aries ever since school ended. Is she really trying to help Aries?

When he finished his solo lunch, Aries contemplated what to do next. He's done enough studying, that's for sure.


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