(24) Competition Part 2 - Prinxiety

Start from the beginning

Roman walked over and kissed his husband softly, holding the charm between his fingers. "Everything OK baby? I heard River screaming."

"They're alright, little bit of sibling competition. I'll just give them something to compete over." Virgil waved the necklaces while Roman held his hips, stroking the bottom of his shirt distracted by his lover's eyes. "Do you mind that?"

"Just promise I can watch?" Roman smirked mischievously, daring to touch Virgil's soft skin. The couple might be reaching fifty now but Roman's smirk never stopped looking youthful, especially when around his husband. Whenever the pair were close to each other age seemed like just a construct - they were as joyful and loved each other just as much as they did in high school.

So soon the couple made their way to their kids, who were undergoing a friendly bicker. River was prancing around Valentina's room showing her how they can rock the necklace much better, and Valentina was faking annoyance with crossed arms. "You two are just like your Dads." Roman laughed, picking River up from behind and hugging them. River giggled and shouted to be freed from their dragon-witch captive. Roman kissed their cheek and let them go, both kids realised their other father in the room as he slowly came out of the shadows with a simple looking piece of jewellery. 

"What's that Dad?" Valentina walked over to her quieter father as he revealed the necklaces. She smiled wide and admired the jewels - and she had every right to as they looked expensive. And they were, the customised necklaces were around $80 which was a lot for a high schooler. Roman always insisted Virgil's love was more than that though, Virgil's love was worth millions of dollars. "It's beautiful! Can we have it once you both die?"

"You can have it tomorrow if you want... But you'll have to win it." Virgil smirked at both his children who both looked equally excited. Valentina's phone vibrated and she looked at her texts. "Go off to your friend Mini, be safe."

Valentina gave both her fathers a hug (and her sibling a persuaded fist-bump), before trotting down the stairs and into her friend's car. Roman watched her get in the car and travel down the street, feeling proud yet protective of his daughter. Soon she'll be going off to college and be a real adult, yet Roman just wanted her to sleep on his lap and be tucked into her small Snow White themed bed.


"So what are the competition categories Dad?" River shovelled their rice with dumplings. The family had decided to have an early dinner and spoil themselves with homemade dumplings as Virgil had the day off work. Roman and Virgil raised their eyebrows in thought, Virgil finished his mouthful and smiled.

"First, I'm calling Uncle Remus..." Virgil stood and left the table for a minute, calling his brother in law and asking him to visit for the evening. "My kids need a brawn competition - so bring your exercise equipment."

Remus worked as a personal trainer at a local gym and also gave fitness and health advice to local schools and homes. Because of this job Remus had lots of exercise equipment in his possession that he could easily transport from one house to another. River looked excited hearing that, they had inherited their biological father's energy and was one of the top students in gym class and part of the swim team. Valentina, however, was passing gym and a cheerleader but preferred to not exercise. She even skipped cheer practice a few times to help her Dad with his designs. Soon Remus appeared again, sucking a lollipop with a whistle around his neck.

"Come on Royal Racoons - stand up." Remus instructed just as the kids finished their dumplings, both stood happily and laughed a little. They did really love their Uncle. "I'll do a basic fitness test for you guys - Go to the living room." Remus stole Valentina's chair to stop her from ducking out, and Remus blew his whistle before starting the orders. Valentina beat River with jumping jacks per minute by 2, River beat Valentina by 10 seconds on the balancing exercise, and for good measure Remus measured the quality of family hugs - but that was a tie.

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