Speaking of Warren, since she was acting as sheriff he'd contacted her and let her know he'd come across information that she and George would be eager to know. He looked at the record of the victim again and tried to find out why these DXD members would have killed him. Well, he had been ex-military, it was possible he'd known one of them, maybe he'd even heard of the killer 'dying' on that mission years ago and found it odd to see them walking around Altura. There could have even been a conflict, he thought, going AWOL was a shameful thing to do, even by apocalypse standards, it could have started a fight that ended with the man's death.

He sighed and leaned back in his chair, rubbing his beard. If that was the case and someone else recognized any one of these AWOL soldiers they could respond violently again if their abandonment of their position came to light. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." he called and George and Warren entered.

"Hey, you find our guy yet?" Warren asked shutting the door and stepping into the room assuming that's why he'd called them there.

"I may have found a lot more than just our guy." He said waving her over to the screen and bringing up Hammond's file, "Remember him?"

"Lieutenant Hammond." Warren said looking at the picture of the man, the only thing that was missing was his scar since the picture was taken Pre-Z.

"Who's he?" George asked.

"He was the one who brought Murphy to our camp in New York." Warren explained, "He was the last surviving member of Delta X-ray Delta before we joined him after Camp Blue Sky went up in smoke."

"Yeah. . . turns out, he wasn't the last surviving member." He told them and saw Warren's eyes get wider. "See these names? They're all people who ran out on the mission and turned up here using fake aliases."

"You think one of them might be the killer?" George asked getting closer to the screen.

"Our victim is ex-military. That could be our connection."

"If one of these guys was frightened enough that his identity would be found out that he'd kill, then what's going to happen when we go to bring him in?" Warren asked.

"He could be a loose cannon." George said looking worried as she turned to Warren, "We don't need a shootout and we don't need more bodies piling up."

"Then we have to do this quietly." Warren said putting her hands on her hips. Then her radio went off and one of the guard's voices came through the static.

"Warren, calling Warren." Dave's voice echoed.

She took the radio from her belt and pressed the button. "This is Warren, go ahead Dave."

"We've got a situation by the Memorial Wall. Someone reported a 'disruption of the peace' it looks like an arguing couple but we might need some back up."

"On my way." She replied before putting the radio back and looking at them, "What were you saying about a loose cannon?"

Warren POV

When they got to the Memorial Wall they found Dave standing far back from the arguing couple, it looked like he was trying to keep the area clear of bystanders and eavesdroppers as he waved people along telling them to get back to their lives. With so many people in Altura getting sick from the weather they didn't have enough guards to step in and keep the peace and they couldn't risk a guard getting beat up and become incapable of covering his shift because they were so understaffed. Dave wasn't alone though, it looked like Ray had also been in the area and had decided to pitch in. Warren knew from talking to George that Ray had been a minister Pre-Z along with working in the justice system; in the middle of so much chaos breaking out it was nice to see some people step up and help, just out of the goodness of their hearts.

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