( thirteen )

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YOU, DAZAI, AND chuuya were all heavily monitored by the troupe members. you took notice that one of their members, uvogin, wasn't present. you quickly deduced he was either on a mission or dead. pakunoda and phinks were also missing but they left earlier to assist machi and nobunaga.

chuuya was muttering to himself of how stupid dazai is and quietly complained as to why he was the only one restrained out of the three.

you considered escaping many times and even considered killing them all on the spot. but when your perpetrators have mastered some kind of forged ability, which you didn't even know, attempting to escape would be foolish and could most definitely result in death. not to mention, your dear friend kurapika wanted the sweet taste of vengeance and you weren't about to take that away from him.

hours of silent staring passed until footsteps were heard. the once sluggish troupe members tensed up and stared at the entrance only to be met with nobunaga, machi, pakunoda, and phinks who were accompanied by two boys.

"welcome to our hideout."

your sucked in a large breath of air as your eyes landed on gon and killua. killua seemed to have noticed you first as his eyes widened the slightest bit. his eyes trailed to hisoka who was acting as if he had never met them before.

"HEY!" gon burst out.

'gon, i love you but shut the fuck up, please'

"what? do you know someone here?" nobunaga questioned.

"uhh, no..." killua trailed off before his eyes rested on shizuku. "hey, it's that girl we met!"

"is that true, shizuku? you know these guys?" phinks asked.

shizuku looked up from the book in her lap. "no, i sure don't."

"ohh, i remember now. the kid who arm wrestles." feitan recalled.

"refresh my memory."

franklin pointed to gon and turned to shizuku. "that kid. you lost to him in an arm wrestling contest two days ago."

"i did? he beat me? that's a lie, i'm not the strongest but i wouldn't lose to kid."

"well, you were using your right hand."

"oh? i did? but why? i'm left handed!"

"don't bother, once she has forgotten something, it is gone for good." feitan interrupted.

"that true? you beat shizuku? well then, show me what you got." nobunaga challenged as he tied his hair back.

you watched gon's blistered hand trying to slam down nobunaga's. thick blood trailed down the back of gon's hand as nobunaga began to tell his story with uvogin.

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