(20) Unexpected - Loceit

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The couple hadn't got creative with naming at all. They didn't want to find out the sex of their baby just yet and had no clue what kind of names they liked. They both thought finding the perfect name would be a 'soulmate' moment - they'd see the name and every other name would feel weak in comparison, but they hadn't had that. Maybe it would just take time - so they called their little one Baby.

But eventually the pair did finish the bassinet, setting it up with the soft white star themed bedding Logan insisted on buying during heartburn insomnia at 2am. "Perfect..." Janus mumbled, tucking in the last of the bedding and looking back at his boyfriend who had been banished to the bed after feeling light cramps. "All ready for Baby."


Reading was a good pastime for Janus and Logan, it always relaxed both of them. It was late January and Janus had just finished his classes, so was sat in the kitchen trying to multitask while cooking dinner. It was pasta, a simple dish as both men had many classes to get through that day. Logan would finish his last class at 6pm which meant he would be home in 3... 2... 1...

"Everything hurts!" Logan screamed as he opened the front door, his bigger bump hitting the door as he came in making him grumble. When Janus appeared Logan's expression softened for a minute and he came closer, trying to cuddle in although it was harder for Janus to snake his arm around his waist. "My pelvis, my heart, my back, my chest, my legs... Why do I have to walk everywhere honey-bee?"

"Do you need to lie down?" Janus whispered, his hand landing on Logan's belly just as a slight movement was felt underneath it. "That's a kick." Janus smiled down at the belly, stroking the spot he was on with his thumb. Only two more months to go before Baby comes into the world.

"Sofa sounds good." Logan moaned and laughed, happily guided to the sofa where Janus lay him down with a look of absolute adoration. Logan could never get enough of that look. "Thanks honey..."

Janus gave Logan a soft kiss, leaning on top of him. It was meant to be one kiss, but it ended up being many passionate ones. The pair soon got too distracted by each other's lips, cuddled together on the sofa and flush against each other. The only thing that stopped them from proceeding further was Janus' timer going off, and Logan groaning in uncomfortableness again. "Baby did not appreciate that weight."

"Sorry babe..." Janus disappeared again to retrieve the now a little burnt pasta before stopping in the middle of the kitchen. There were piles of Crofters strawberry jam, Logan's craving, stacked against the wall. Almost everyday Logan returned from classes with half a dozen more jars and Janus wasn't the type to complain. "Do you want Crofters babe?"

"Yes please!" Logan shouted from the other room, more enthusiastic than he'd been all day. Janus had no problem giving him the snack during dinner, and getting a few more kisses in return. Logan surprisingly didn't move from the couch all day. "I love you!"

**TW - Childbirth. Not too much detail but it happens - so a lot of mention of severe pain.**

"And this research supports the theory of mirror neurons, although animal studies are invalid because..." Pain. That's all Logan could feel. But he was in class, trying to prepare for the big test next week and all this pain was highly inconvenient. He was already feeling bloated today and these cramps were just getting worse.

"Logie, are you alright?" The voice beside him, Patton, whispered. Although he couldn't see his friend due to his fuzzy vision as his eyes were beginning to water. "You're grasping that pen pretty tight buddy." And that too was true, the indents at the sides would soon form bruises if Logan doesn't stop. "Should I help you out the class?"

Logan was going to answer just before another surge of pain went through, making him cover his mouth and release a groan. Patton immediately stood into action and grabbed Logan, helping him stand although it was getting increasingly difficult. "Bathroom... Male..." Was the only thing he could utter out as he was pretty much carried out of the lecture theatre, clutching his stomach. His face was red and all he could feel was his sweat.

"Shit - Logan!" Logan heard in the corridor, hoping it was Janus only to see his hoodie wearing best friend sprinting towards him. "Fuck... I'm here bud. Let's go." Virgil took control quickly, he was a nursing student so had fully prepared both in class and in his own time for this moment. The three eventually got into the bathroom - pristine white with blue furnishings... And spinning relatively quickly. "Faintness  - have some water Lo." A purple water bottle appeared in front of Logan which he gladly took, drinking as much as he could. "I'll call Jan."

"He's... in class..." Logan whispered between the groans, holding his stomach again. "It's probably just the fake ones - Braxton... Fucks... Whatever..."

Virgil rolled his eyes, knowing Logan's habit of procrastination could beat the emo himself sometimes. He quickly dialled Janus' number, letting it ring for a few minutes before an out of breath Janus answered - he must have sprinted to get out of his lecture to answer the phone and over these last nine months he had gotten gloriously unfit. "Right, Jan, no time to explain. Just get to the Beckett lecture theatre bathrooms right away."

"On my way." Logan could hear Janus pant through the phone. Virgil put said phone on loud speaker as soon as he could tell Logan was listening in. "Is it the real thing? Tell Logan that I love him and I'll always love him... It sounds like I'm talking to a dying person - I'm panicking."

"I love you honey-bee." Logan managed to gasp out, clutching on the nearby sink he was just leaning on before. But he tried to hide his pain to not hurt his boyfriend. Then the pain paused for a moment, and Logan made eye contact with a shellshocked Patton.

"Virgil is he meant to pee?" Logan immediately understood what was happening by that question - his water broke - so he began to push. "OK, OK... Do I have consent to..."

"Yes, yes. Help..." Logan had to groan, so that's what they did. Virgil held Logan upright (against all medical advice it was actually easier for a person to give birth standing up than lying down) while Patton was there in case Baby needed catching. Meanwhile Janus could hear all of this through the phone - still running and anxiety high.

"Shit - God - uh - I love you too Ru-babe. I'm just outside Beckett I'll be there in five minutes." And then he hang up. Time blacked out for Logan after hearing that. He wasn't in a hospital, had no medication, no professional help - he just had to push through the pain. He was soon reassured by his boyfriend's arms around him, speaking gently and stroking his hair. "We're going to be fathers Lo... We'll be Dads... Just push..."

"OH MY GOD HE'S FREAKING ADORABLE!" Patton's fanboy scream grounded Logan in the situation again, the pain stopped, and after a few minutes there were small wails. Janus' arms left his side and instead reached forward, where Virgil and Patton passed him a small naked skin sack.

"Wait... Him?" Logan whispered, still feeling a little dazed and deciding the best option was to sit on the dirty bathroom floor. Janus sat beside him still holding the small mumbling sack against his chest. "We don't have a name..."

"Name him after one of us." Virgil laughed, on hold with the university hospital that needed to do all the post-birth checks. But the baby looked healthy and happy, already opening his eyes wide and watching his fathers curiously. "Or after the place he was born."

"Such a cute little thing cannot be named Bathroom, Virgil." Patton taunted, a slight smirk on his face and looking at Virgil in order to avoid looking at - and therefore attacking in a hug - the new fathers.

"Beckett." Logan whispered, fiddling with the tuft of blond hair on his son's head. 9 months of uncomfortableness was all for this, and it was all worth it. "Welcome to the world... Beckett Marcus-Dodson."

Sanders Sides Parenting/Kids One-ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz