(20) Unexpected - Loceit

Start from the beginning

It was no mistake that Janus' face dropped for a moment, trying to process what he had been told. Logan began stuffing his face with ice cream to hopefully calm himself down. "OK... Alright, first..." Janus grabbed Logan's hand that was resting on his knee, grasping it and keeping eye contact with his nervous lover. "Firstly, you're my boyfriend and you're Logan. If you ever say otherwise after this $50 of my inheritance goes into your medical fund. And I know how much you'd hate that." Logan chuckled which made Janus smile in return. Logan could swear his boyfriend was a mind reader. "Secondly, this is my doing too. I'll be extra careful from now on to check for holes and sizes and make sure everything stays on." Logan leaned into Janus' chest further, humming in happiness. Janus really was the best. "Thirdly - it's your choice what we do from here. Although I will strongly advise you don't drop out of college completely as I remember what you were like during the lecture strikes and you deserved to be in a mental hospital after that show." After reassuring his boyfriend Janus wrapped both arms around him and just held him, stroking his hair and kissing his head. They stayed like that for a little while - Logan just smelling Janus' cologne and smiling.

"Will you be there if I want to keep them?" Logan eventually mumbled. Janus cupped his cheeks and nodded. "I'll have to move in with my parents instead of being in dorms - you're in dorms though right?"

Janus knew Logan's family wasn't the most accepting. They still called him by his dead name with she/her pronouns and spoke badly of LGBTQ people as a whole. Logan only just managed living with his parents during the holidays - and even then he needed nightly FaceTimes to feel valid. "I won't be. We'll rent one of the apartments together." Janus pointed to the block of flats behind the park, a walk from university and often used by college couples to give them privacy from campus. Janus and Logan didn't see a reason to rent there until now - and Janus' parents had the money to help out. "We'll be a family."

And with that Logan couldn't help but lean in, giving Janus a soft kiss. This was new, this was scary, but he was happy the pair were going through it together. Janus kissed back just as happily, holding him for security, feeling ready for the world.

**TW above has ended now, I'll mention if there are any more further down when they are just about to appear**

It took a few months for the boyfriends to find an apartment and move in, but by November they were settled together. Janus opened the front door of the flat with a sigh, having returned from his History of Thought class which always bored him. He expected to see Logan working in the living room on one of his many essays or books he was writing - and was confused when he wasn't in the near vicinity until he heard an electric screwdriver.

Janus sprinted into the couple's bedroom to find Logan in his pjs sitting on the floor surrounded by abstract pieces of wood and vague building instructions. "Darling I was going to work on the bassinet this evening." Janus moaned, offering to help Logan up but he refused. He wasn't at the point in his pregnancy where he needed help standing up but Janus always offered anyway out of politeness. But instead Logan ignored his boyfriend, screwing two pole shapes together and examining it.

"I wanted to do it myself. Baby was being restless." Logan mumbled, concentrated, as Janus sat opposite him. "I figured out the legs of the thing and the bedding arrived today... Just the rest."

"You know if Baby's being restless you should be resting?" Janus tilted his head with a smile, his hand naturally landing on Logan's bump that was just starting to show. Logan secretly loved that habit, that Janus would always speak to him but also include their child in their lives by a simple reassuring touch. Patton and Virgil had begun to realise it too when the four hang out together - constantly commenting how cute it was and how the baby will have such good and caring fathers. It was surprising that not once had any lecturer (as the university needed to know of Logan's pregnancy) or student misgendered Logan yet, and he was happy to keep it that way. "Anyway..." Janus mumbled, trying to screw two planks together with one hand, "you're only like 5 months in right? We have time to get this done - doesn't have to all be today."

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