Forty One

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As Jungkook entered the lobby of his company, he heard laughter, but that one deep voice, that one sound, that one laugh caught his attention and without even knowing he turned his head to see who's voice is this..... there it was... Kim Taehyung... laughing his heart out,his eyes were shining,cheeks we're glowing with a shade of little pink... by seeing him laughing like this a small smile appeared on Jungkook's face, but that smile didn't take even a second to change into frown.

He changed his focus from Taehyung to the other people who were there with him, one was Miss Choi, and other was someone he don't know, he has never seen him before in this office, that person is a tall man, well built body, and a handsome face.... well not as him... but still handsome who was talking and laughing along with them.

Jungkook have known Taehyung for months now but he has never seen him laughing like this, glowing like this and he don't know why but he is not liking this.... maybe because he wants him to be that person with whom Taehyung should be laughing like this... no, why me, he can laugh with anyone... and why will I not like it, it's just that... uh I don't know....

"Hey Kook" The chain of Jungkook's thought was broken by none other than the person he was thinking about.

"Uhh... Hey" Jungkook said coming out of his thought and moving towards Taehyung and group.

"Good morning Mr Jeon" Miss Choi said with a little smile

"Morning Miss Choi" Jungkook replied back to Miss Choi and soon shift his focus to the new person standing with them

"Kook, meet Kai... he was the photographer I was talking about... And Kai this is Jeon Jungkook, the CEO of this company" Taehyung introduce them to each other.

"Hello sir.. It's pleasure meeting you" Kai said stretching his hands towards the CEO.

"Hello...and no sir, Mr Jeon would be alright" Jungkook simply says by shaking hands with the photographer.... No wonder why he is not getting positivity from this guy, he have not liked him from the time Taehyung was too focussed to work with him, but still he thought of giving him a chance, but now seeing Taehyung laughing with him like this, he knows he can never like him.... no I don't like him because his work is not that good... and not because Tae was laughing with him... Jungkook defended, he don't from whom but he defended.

"Kook, , I have seen all his work, you should also see it,trust me all his works are great... and you know we are from same college... I can't believe it, it's great to find someone from same college, there's so much to talk about" Taehyung was so happy to find that Kai was from his college.... he was really impressed by his work from the time he have seen it, now knowing that they went to same college made Taehyung more happier, from the time they both got too know they were from same college, they are talking non-stop, about teachers, places that they miss in college, the food, there friend, every thing.... talking about all these things was really making Taehyung happy and nostalgic....ohh he miss those days.....

Taehyung feels that Kai is a nice person, really talented in his craft, he really had a good sense of humor.... and can make anyone smile. more reason to not like this photographer... what no,why they being from the same college will be the reason for me to not like him.... I think I have lost it today, my brain is not working properly.... Jungkook thought shaking his head a little.... He excused himself and asked Miss Choi to bring her a cup of coffee as he proceeds towards his office.

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