Thirty Two

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Taehyung was really happy today after signing the deal, this is for the first time after coming to this city he feels like he achieved something, first time after so much of struggle he feels like he finally took one step closer to Eunwoo's dream, one successful step closer to his husband dream. He really wanted to celebrate it, but sadly no one was there with him today, Miss Choi went to meets her aunt because she isn't well, Jin went to attend a business party with his Dad, and Yoongi was busy with his work too, so he doesn't have anyone with whom he can go celebrate and share his happiness. He misses his best friend a lot.

While coming back from office Taehyung saw a bar, he never went to bar and club before, but he used to hear it from Eunwoo that it's fun going to these places. So he thought of going inside just grabbing something to drink and come out.

Taehyung was standing in front of a giant metallic door of the bar, he pulled the door little towards himself and as the door swung open, he found himself taking some step forward on his own.

As he entered the bar, his jaw dropped as he looked around himself. He felt that he was in some other world. The place was packed with people, so many colourful lights shooting down on people. He went through the crowd to the counter and order a drink for himself and looked around once again, music were very loud and lots of people were dancing and screaming their heart out with the lyrics of the song, some were making out in different corners, some were talking and laughing with different kinds of drink in their hands, and some were alone just drinking and enjoy themself like him.

He was too much in awe to even think anything at this moment, being in this place for Taehyung was like being in some other universe, it was exciting and even a little scary.

He remembered how Eunwoo used to describe these places, how Taehyung found it exactly like Eunwoo used to say. How amazing it would be if they would have come to these places together and enjoyed themselves, Oh how much he still misses his husband, his warmth, his smile, his everything. He started to sadden by the thought of his husband but no, today is not the day to be sad, he took his first step towards his husband dream and even Eunwoo will not like to see him sad. So today he will be happy and enjoy himself.

It's quite late, time to go home now, Tae thought after drinking four glasses of drinks, he was so much lost in this place that he kept drinking without thinking anything. His legs started to shake a little as he made his way outside through the crowd. As he exits the bar, he felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned around to see who it was and found a tall man standing in front of him.

"Hey, I was sitting in front of you inside, I don't know if you notice me or not" Stranger said to Taehyung.

"Umm... so-sorry I didn't notice you" Taehyung was too much in his own world to even notice anyone.

"That's okay... I saw you were getting little imbalance, so I just thought of helping you, if you don't mind I can drop you at your home" The stranger said with a smile.

"No thank you.... My house is just nearby I can go by myself... but thank you for your concern" Taehyung said and bow a little as a gesture of saying thank you.

"No no please I insist" That stranger said by coming closer to Tae and holding his hand.

"Noo-no I mean"

"Please don't say no... I am really concern about you... please let me help you.... trust me I felt that you are a nice person that's why I wanted to help you"

" Umm oka-okay" Taehyung don't know how to say no so he agreed, and the stranger seems a nice man to Tae and he is just trying to help him and he somewhere felt he needed help because he has started to feel a little dizzy due to the amount of alcohol he consumed so it's okay with that thought Tae showed him the direction of his house.

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