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"Can be take the body with us" Rose father asked.

"No you can't take the body Mr Lee...we have to take the body for postmortem " Police officer said to Rose Father.

"What, why are you taking the body in the case of car accident for postmortem?" Mr John asked, he was really confused after listening to the police. He knows he shouldn't be thinking this way but he doesn't want this to be a big news... He didn't want people to know that he would be daughter-in-law died in car accident that to just before the marriage, he doesn't want his family to be talk of the town.

"That is what we have to talk to you sir, and even you" Police officer said pointing to Taehyung who was looking like someone has sucked all the blood from his body.

"You all have to come to police station with us, we need to talk to you about something urgent" Everyone nods.

Ambulance came and took both the bodies to the hospital for postmortem.

Taehyung and Jungkook were crying their heart out, everyone were holding them, making them understand.
Piece by piece both of their heart fell apart by seeing their love going far from them.

Taehyung shouted to stop the ambulance, he even asked Jimin to go behind the ambulance,he asked the offices to take him to his husband,his love was alive, he can't leave him, both took the vows together, his husband promised to stay forever with him, he kept chatting, but no one listened.

No matter how much they cried or shouted, no one present there could help them and that was hurting more to the rest of the people present there.

After some time everyone reached police station.

"Officer please take me to my husband, I am telling you he must be in pain, he must have woken and wanted to see me, just take me there please" Taehyung was requesting to the officer from the time he reached the station, he had to reach to his husband no matter what.

"Sir please, sit down there is something important I need to talk to you all please" Officer said to Taehyung passing him the chair to sit.

"No no no, I will talk to you later but first take me to him please" Taehyung said going near to the officer, folding his hand.

"Tae enough, just enough, just sit and listen to what he wanted to say, then we will go to Eunwoo" Jimin slightly shouted at his best friend. He know what he was going through right now, but seeing his best friend like this was breaking him too.

"You promise" Taehyung just wanted to go to his husband, and for that he was ready to do anything.

"Yes Tae, I promise" Jimin said.
Tears freely falling down Taehyung's face, his head hung low, small hiccups and whimpers leaving his mouth as he was ready to listen to the officers.

"So everyone , when our team first reached there we thought it was a case of road accident were Miss Rose car and Eunwoo's car collided with each other, but when it further investigated, we think it is just not car accident" Officer said looking around to all the people present there.

"What do you mean Officer" Mr John asks.

"Mr John we think it was murder"

Everyone was shocked after listening to the office

"Why will someone muder my daughter" Rose father ask.

"Sir the thing is, we feel that both of them killed each other"

"Are you out of your mind, my husband can never kill anyone, and a girl, never" Taehyung said, what kind of officer is he Taehyung thought to himself haven't he seen his husband, does that man look like he could kill anyone, he felt he was just waiting time in all these nonsense, he wanted to just go to his husband who must be waiting for him.

"Just listen to me, both of them has gun short on their bodies, and we found two guns , one near each other, so that's what made us to think this "

"I am sorry officer but my Rose can never kill anyone, I think you are mistaken, she never killed a fly in her life, and killing a man it's not possible" Jungkook said, his girlfriend can never kill anyone, he cannot believe this.

"Sir we understand, we are only telling you what evidence we found of the death spot and what possibilities can be....we are not saying this happened..."

"But one think that actually confuses us is that if they killed each other, why they were holding hand while they were dying"

"Yes I also saw that, if they hated each other this much, why they were holding hands while dying" Jin said, when he reached on the spot, he saw of them where holding hand and were covered with blood.

"No I don't think they hated each other, I have met this boy once in club while he was talking to Rose, they were seems fine with each other, and if there was some kind of tension Rose must have mentioned this to be" Jungkook said, he remembered meeting Eunwoo in the club that day.

"This is something we are not able to understand, what kind of relationship they had, that they killed each other and then held hands while dying"

"May we they had some other kind of relationship" Everyone turned to the source of the voice, it was Miss Choi, who was speaking

"Who are you and what are you trying to tell? "Officer asked

"Sir I am Miss Choi, I am Rose ma'am secretary, I knew Eunwoo sir, because he was Employe in our company and also investors and had lots of stock in his name"

"Okay, what do you know about them"

"Sir actually, it was rumors in the company that there was someththe going on between Rose ma'am and Eunwoo sir, I mean lots of employees used to feel that they were romantically evolved with each other" Miss Choi said feeling nervous as all the eyes in the room were upon her when she was speaking to the officer.

"What the hell are you speaking? " Jungkook said glaring at Miss Choi.... he always hated office gossips.... How could some say these kinds of word for his Rose.

"Sir I am just telling you what I have seen, I have also seen them way too close with each other, most of the time they used to be together, maximum time they used to have lunch together"

"I don't think, that must be the case" Jin said.

"Sir one of our staff have seen them hugging too, they were always found in each other cabin, they leave the office together most of the time.... I am just telling you all what I have seen, and heard about them"

By listening to all this, something inside Jungkook broke... He cannot believe his ears... That was the case with everyone else present in the room.

"So from whatever Miss Choi told us, from this we can only conclude, may be this is neither accident nor murder"

"What do you mean officers" Mr John asked.

" Sir we feel that this was a planned murder, they killed each other because may be Rose don't want to get married to someone else, because she was in love with Eunwoo, so they killed each other and held hand during the time of dying, and they did road accident, because they wanted us to believe it was accident "

Jungkook just sat there, he does not know what to believe and what not too. He cannot believe the girl he loved all his life was cheating on him. His girlfriend, his bestfriend, the most important person of his life, cheated on him... He wanted to cry, he wanted to run away, how could this be possible, it feels like his mind, his senses, his body everything has stopped working after listening to this.

"ARE YOU ALL JUST OUT OF YOUR MIND... YOU ALL ARE SPEAKING NONSENSE ABOUT MY Husband FROM LONG TIME AND I AM NOT SAYING ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T MEAN U WILL CONTINUE" Taehyung shouted... His husband can never cheat on him and that is something he is sure about.
His Eunwoo only and only loved him, and nothing can change this.

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