Thirty Four

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Taehyung was going through some paper and files in his office, Miss Choi was also present there with him, she was helping him going through the old deals they had made when Rose was the CEO. They were talking and sharing ideas of what they should do to give there best in the new deal they signed.

"I hope everything work out as we planned" Taehyung said going through the files.

"It will Mr Kim, don't stress yourself so much" Miss Choi knows how much hardwork he is putting in this company, she just don't want him to stress out and worry too much.

"I hope so, It will bring so much new opportunities for our company and the employees" Taehyung said with a smile on his face.

"It will, anyway Mr Kim, Mr John informed me that he will not be coming to the office from now onwards. Do you know why he took that decision?" Miss Choi asked looking at the COO.

"You are his secretary Miss Choi, not me, how will I know" Taehyung said not even looking up, he tried his best to concentrate on the files and not remind himself anything that happened yesterday in his house.

"No I thought he or Jin sir must have told you"

"No I don't know why he took that decision but I think it's good that he will not be coming, atleast I don't have to see that angry, stupid, arrogant and full of himself man from now onwards" Taehyung said in a little angry voice, no matter what happens, no matter how much the CEO try to show that he is changing, he will never forget how the CEO treated him initially.

"You know Mr Kim, Mr John is not like how you are describing him, yes he behave like angry, arrogant and all that how you described him just now but you know I know him for so long, he used to be very cheerful, happy kind of person, always ready to help people, making people around him smile, but after that incident he changed so much" Miss Choi said remembering old days, when Jungkook used to come to the office to meet Rose, how much happy soul he used to be.

"Umm... Okay, Miss Choi can you tell me where are those file of former deals that this company made during the time Rose used to be the CEO.... I was thinking of going through all those and once again contacting those people and companies, since we have once done business with them before, it would be easier to convince then to invest in our company or to make business deals with them" Taehyung don't want this topic of how good the CEO is or used to be to continue, he just don't want to believe that , that man can even be nice.

"Mr Kim, every thing that is related to Rose ma'am must be in Rose ma'am room... Just give me some time I will bring that for you"

"No no that's fine Miss Choi, I will do it by myself, just tell me where it is... I will go and do it by myself, it would be better if I do it, because I will check out every important files and document by myself and take the important once"

"Okay Mr Kim.... the room just next to Mr John used to be the room of Rose ma'am, you can find every important document and files there"

"I will go and check.... "

With that Taehyung smiles at Miss Choi before leaving towards the former CEO's room.... He opened the door and as he entered the room...
He can feel that the room has not been used for many months as there were lots of dust on every thing.... As he moved around the room , he can feel that whoever used this room lastly was a very organised person as every thing is kept in its place, and as Miss Choi told him before that no one have used this room after Rose, that means this room is lastly used by Rose. He went to the desk were lots of files were kept, he started going through all important document that he needed.... He collected all the files that he felt was necessary, and can be used in future and was about to leave the room when his eyes fall on the photo frame kept on her desk...

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