Thirty One

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Taehyung was currently working in his office and was really busy checking on all the pending works..... He came to office after two days of getting discharged from the hospital, as he made promised to Jin, he stayed at home and rested well all because he was left with no choice then to rest.... In these two days Jin, Yoongi, and Miss Choi didn't leave Taehyung even for a second, they were together with him to make sure he rest properly, eat his food and medicine on time,and most importantly don't stress himself on work,when one used to leave him and go for any work they used to make sure that someone is there to keep an eye on him, so Taehyung was left with no option then to lay on bed all the time... remembering the two day he spent with them a smile appear on Tae's face, he was really glad to find such nice people, have them in his life and called them as his friends.

Taehyung was thinking about all the things happened in the past two days , when his phone rang.... He picked up the call and was really shocked to hear the voice from other side.

"Hello Mr Kim.... Hope you remember us, I am calling from the company with whom you were about to sign a deal" Came the voice from other side of the call.

"Yes-Yes Sir, how could I not remember you, any specific reason that you called" Taehyung was really shocked to hear that the Company is once again calling him, he never thought they will call him ever again, all that because of certain someone.

"Yes Mr Kim , actually I know that I called you before and told you about the cancellation of that deal, but now we are really very interested in that deal.... So if you don't mind we can still talk about that deal, and work on it" Is he in dream, they are once again considering that deal... Taehyung thought in his mind.

"But Sir, initially you called and cancelled it, now you are telling me that you are interested in it.... I mean can I know the reason, of your sudden change of your mind" Taehyung are really confused, last time they refused it because of certain someone, are they not afraid of him now, what will he do if he will get to now about that the company is some again calling him and considering that deal.

"Actually Mr Kim, Mr Jeon called us and told us that now he wanted to work with us on this deal, and who we are to say him no so we just called you" Is he hearing it right....that person, who once did every thing to cancel this deal, now called them and asked them to work on this deal.... this can't we possible...... Taehyung cannot believe his ears.

"If he have told you then why are you calling me, I mean when the CEO have already told you then there is no need to tell me"

"No actually Mr Jeon only asked us to inform you and asked you if you are fine with it or not and if you are fine with it, then to further proceed for it" Is he in dream or what, is he hallcinating..... That CEO asked them to ask him... Now Tae really cannot believe his ears.

"Yeh... I mean I am okay" Taehyung don't know what to say, how to react.... because he still cannot believe what he heard just now

"Okay great then, so you will we fine if we conduct the meeting in an hour, because we don't want to delay it more, it had been already delayed a lot"

"Yaa sure, see you in an hour Sir" Taehyung said and hung the call. After ending the call he set back and keep his head on the chair, and thought about what just happened.

"What is he up to now, I am sure he must be planning something new now.... but this time I will not let anything bad happen" Taehyung cannot believe that the CEO is trying to do something good, he is sure there must be some new planning going in  CEO's mind... but anyway if that company really wanted to work with them on this deal.... he will not let this opportunity go in vein.... and no matter what he will not let anyone spoil this opportunity this time. With thinking all these he got up from his chair went to meet certain someone and to warn him

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