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After receiving Jimin, Yoongi dropped them to Taehyung's home.... Jimin wanted to spend some alone time with his best friend so he asked Yoongi to drop them so he can spend some time with him before making any other plan.

He has met him after so long that it feels like ages to him, he knows so much had happened in his best friends life and somewhere he feels guilty to not stay by his side physically when he needed him the most, but he also had lots of work commitment and he can't just leave everything and run to his best friend .

He also knows that his best friend will never liked it, so he made sure to complete all his work commitment and to be with his best friend for a little longer time, he had came to meet Taehyung two -three times in these past months  but that's only for a day or two but this time he will stay for a week.

Taehyung is too happy to be with his best friend, he is happy that Jimin will be staying here for a week..... You glow differently when you are with your best friend and that's what happening with Taehyung from the time he saw Jimin, there is a constant smile on his face.

Every time Jimin visit him he feels he met someone who is his own, his best friend, someone who he can claim as his, someone with whom he can be wildest, loudest, maddest, he can be his real self, he can speak whatever comes out to his mouth, and that's amazing, he feels lucky to have Jimin in his life.

He always used to feel that one true friend is enough for a lifetime, it's not that others are not his friends, or they don't give importance to him or they are not important, they are amazing and he is happy to find them and be there friend but it's different with Jimin, something that he can't put it in words.

Jimin is like his safe place, always had been, yes "safe place".how beautiful it is to go to that one person with all your problem.... Taehyung never have to think before picking up his phone and calling Jimin no matter wherever he is and start pouring all his frustration, good things, bad things and what ever happening in his life, he knows that he will be taken care of when he is with Jimin.

From the time they both entered the house, both the best friend are in there own little world, chatting and catching up almost all small details that they have missed telling each other. Both of them ate dinner and are now sitting in balcony and talking.

"So how is life" Jimin asked taking a sip of hot chocolate that Taehyung prepared for him.

" It's okay, every thing is fine now" Taehyung said with a small smile on his face.

"Is it? Tae you don't have to lie to me, you don't have to pretend" Jimin knows his best friend way too much, and he can cleary tell you when his best friend is lying.

"No Chim, I am not lying, yes initially it was hard, it was hard to act strong when I used to feel so week, to smile when I dont want to but now, with time I think I am okay.... It still feel heavy in the heart, when it gets too much, but now the memories of the past are less effecting me.... So yeh i am okay and everything is fine"  Taehyung said holding his hot chocolate cup tightly to feel the warmth.

"Tae I know it's hard, it's always hard to let someone go, but the peace you get is worth all the pain, it feels so light, so amazing to get your peace back" Jimin said keeping his hand on his best friend hand.

"Chim it's not that I am not trying but I still feel I am just stuck in the past, I just don't know, I still can't believe that Eunwoo did that to me, was it ever love, it's just that.... just that I feel like end, don't know what to do"  Taehyung said remembering everything that has happened to him till now.

"Taetae I know it's feel like end, but keep the faith, every thing will be alright, may be I cannot even feel what you went through, or what are you going through, but Taetae one thing that I know is my best friend is way beyond stronger than this, pain is very personal journey, so may be I cannot share this pain of you but I am here, always by your side" Jimin says by giving a squeeze to his best friend hand, to make sure that his best friend understand that he is there and will always be there for him.

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