"Thank you, Jihyun Noona.",Jungkook thanked her with a smile as she nodded and smiled back at him.

Jungkook glanced back at Taehyung only to see that the older went back to his deep thoughts again as the younger sighed. Suddenly he heard the bell at the entrace chime and saw Jin and Namjoon enter inside.
"Jihyun-ah, you can go home now. I don't want you to be late.", Jin said. A 'yes oppa', was heard back as a reply.

Jin looked around and saw the two younger boys sitting there. "Ohhh....Taehyung-ah..Jungkook-ah..You are here already? I thought Yoongi and the midget was gonna be with you.", Jin asked walking towards them as Namjoon followed behind.
"Um...Yeah. I-We..", Jungkook stuttered as he looked back and forth at Taheyung and his hyungs. Taehyung's aura darkened as he heard Yoongi and Jimin being mentioned.
"What happened? Are they still busy at work?", Namjoon asked
"Hyung...we don't know. We didn't see them after work. What else do you want?", Taehyung intervened.
"Wow....Someone is having his mood swings. Are you on your periods? Whats with that attitude, Kim Taehyung?", Jin sassily asked.

"Nothing. I'm not feeling well. Thats all." , Taehyung replied. Jin and Namjoon just looked at Taehyung wondering why he was so pissed. Then the both of them turned towards Jungkook and mouthed "whats wrong?", to which Jungkook just widened his eyes and looked away, shaking his head. The younger assumed that the older might get angry if he said something about what happened as Taehyung was already so pissed.
Jin and Namjoon looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders thinking 'now what?'.



Namjoon and Jin were busy taking and preparing orders since the cafe was still open and they were having some customers. Taehyung was still sitting there silently without saying anything to anyone. After helping his hyungs on the orders, he came back and decided to sit right next to Taehyung. Everyone knows that Jungkook don't talk much so it was fine by him to sit next to a silent Taehyung.

They sat like that for a while. But, to be honest, Jungkook is not used to seeing Taehyung like this. Silent and quiet.  So, the younger felt a bit worried and he gradually grew impatient. Jungkook turned towards the older.
"Hyung...I know you won't like me asking about this, but don't you like Yoongi hyung and Jimin hyung being together?", Jungkook asked straightforwardly.
Taehyung's eyes widened and turned his face to look at the younger. Although their faces were a bit close for Jungkook's liking, he maintained his posture, waiting for the answer from the older.

Just as Taehyung was about to answer, they heard the chime from the cafe door, indicating its opening. Jungkook and Taehyung looked back to see Hobi, Jimin and Yoongi entering the cafe. Taehyung's attitude changed back into the dark one and looked away from them. Jungkook noticed this and sighed as he clearly gave up.

"Ooohhhh....Jungkookie...Tae...You guys are already here. See...Yoongi hyung. I told you they might be here. But you insisted that we wait for them outside the building. We should've just called and asked.", Hobi said as he walked towards the youngers and sat opposite to them and startee talking to them.

"You go and sit with them. I'll go and see Joon and Jin hyung. I think they are in the kitchen.", Yoongi told Jimin who nodded and walked towards the three of them. Jimin smiled seeing his besties sitting there.
"Kookie...Tae...Where have you be-", Jimin stopped mid-sentence when he saw Taehyung's changed face.
Jungkook and Hobi looked up at Jimin to know why he suddenly stopped.
"Tae....why aren't you looking at me?", Jimin asked.
"Tae.....Taehyung..look at me. Why are you not looking at your bestie?", Jimin asked as he saw that Taehyung was not even glancing at him.
Taehyung abruptly stood up, fed up with Jimin's questions and shouted.
"BESTIE?? If you were, you wouldn't have DONE THAT TO ME NOW...DID YOU? Do you even consider me as your BEST FRIEND with a backstabbing attitude like that?"

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