🥀Chapter 12🥀

Start from the beginning

"Zuri" she hiccuped her eyes red and blotchy, "where's Bugs?" then her eyes trailed from my face to my arm, her eyes widening, "what happened to you, are you hurt."

Giving her a hard stare I repeated one word.


Nodding with a sigh she made her way to the stairs when she paused and turned her gaze to the flooring.

"You'll bring Bugs back to me right Zuri?"

I sighed my seven year old self shaking slightly.

"I promise."

And that was the only promise I made to Za that I couldn't keep no matter how hard I tried.

Feeling irritated by the memory I sat up in the car letting my gaze settle on the scenery leading out of Lake shore center.

Today's session had been rather irritating since Miss Chesterfield actually thought it would be cool for us to have a yoga session right after we shared how our week went which ended up with Viti's foot in Peter's nut sack since he thought yoga sessions were the same as groping sessions.

Alexander didn't say a word all through today though which I had expected but also didn't spare me or anyone else a glance either much to Rebecca's annoyance since she whined about it for practically the whole session.

Rolling my eyes at the memory once more I fished out my phone and noticed Poppy had sent me a text as well as Johnathan who apologized about his early flight from the party on Friday and how he wanted to make it up to me with a date.

Not in the mood to chat I let my gaze settle right back to the window and caught a familiar lock of ebony hair.

"Mark stop the car" I ordered the driver who stopped immediately, giving me a questioning look from the rear-view.

"Ummm, is everything okay Miss? "

But I wasn't listening to him, instead my focus was on a very frustrated looking Sarah who looked to be having some car trouble judging from the amount of black smoke coming from the bonnet of her mustang.

"Wait in the car, ill be right back."

Getting off I made my way towards Sarah noting her constant screeching into her phone and annoyed expression.

"Car trouble?"

She obviously hadn't seen me approach because she jumped a bit in fright at my voice.

"Oh Lord you scared me" clutching her phone to her chest she took a good look at me then her eyes flashed in sudden recognition.

"Wait a minute I know you" she examined me closely then snapped her fingers, "you're that new girl from Nigeria or something, the one Jonathan wants to bang so bad" she gave a laugh, "well I can see why all the guys have been gushing like some loons, even I would do you."

Forcing a laugh at that I waved her off.

"Oh please I'm no so sure about that, I mean look at you I'm pretty sure you've got guys like Johnathan eating off your palm."

Clearly pleased with my comment she took out her hand and gave me a little hand shake.

"I'm Sarah, Sarah Dominic and you must be Zuri."

"Yeah Zuri Owoeye" I flashed her a little smile.

Looking a little dazed at my smile she frowned a bit.

"Is something wrong?" I asked noticing a slight tremble in her hands that were still clutched in mine.

Snapping out of it she withdrew her hands which had already gotten clammy and let out a nervous laugh.

"Ummm, yeah sorry" she laughed again, "you just really looked like someone I used to know for a second there."

"Oh really, who?"

She immediately waved me off her voice trembling slightly but still firm.

"Trust me it's nobody important" then trying to steer the conversation away she turned to her car, "but you see this mess, now this is a major problem."

"How did this happen?" I followed her gaze and tried to inspect the car.

"Honestly I have no idea, I mean one moment I was in my car heading to to the nail salon and the next it stops right on the side of the freaking road" she sighed in apparent frustration,"I've been here for hours now and my fathers dumb mechanic wouldn't be here for another hour."

"Hmm why don't I get my driver to help you out, he's good with cars" I took out my phone and phoned Mike giving him the details and telling him to get his tool box.

Not a second later he made his way to us and asked Sarah to give a rundown on the problem before he got to work.

"You must be super rich to have your own personal driver" Sarah mused her eyes focused on Mark working on her car.

I shrugged at that my gaze following hers, "Shouldn't be a suprise everyone at school is rich."

Sarah snorted at that,"trust me that's not the case" then she turned her gaze to me her eyes assessing, "But you're exactly royal material" she let her gaze fall behind us to the white limo Mike had gotten out from, "Rich, hot and an absolute boy magnetic" she giggled softly, "wait till Rose gets a whiff of you if she hasn't already. "

Before I could reply to that Mike closed the bonnet and took off his work cap.

"Its good as new now madam, just have your mechanic at home take a through look at it but you're good to head on home."

"Alright Mark, that'll be all" I acknowledged while he got back to the limo.

"Hmmm, what a fine specimen of male" Sarah purred her eyes focused on Marks ass as he got in, "you're lucky girl."

"Definately not my type" I waved her words off completely dis-interested.

Her eyes flashed naughtily at that but she made no further comment, taking out her phone she passed it to me.

"I totally owe you one for today, Lord knows how long I would have waited here if it weren't for you" she indicated towards her phone, "why don't you type in your number Zuri, we totally should meet up sometime."

Typing in my number I gave myself a call on it and saved hers on my phone too.

"See you later boo" Sarah waved putting on her aviator glasses with a wink as she got into her car, "don't be a stranger."

And with that I watched her drive off a big fucking smile on my face.


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