{33} Announcment

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I was sitting on the hospital bed fiddling with my ring. Madame Pomfrey had told the teachers I'd miss the first two hours. Sirius was laying next to me, sleeping peacefully. It was still early morning so no one was really awake. Then I heard a loud bang.

"Goodmorning loser!" Remus walked in with a tray full of food. "Didn't think I was about to let you starve, did you?"

"Well I would." A sleepy James walked in after Remus.

"Thank you." I smiled as he handed me the tray. "Wake up." I shook Sirius but it was no use.

"Stayed up all night?" Remus asked.

"Yep." I replied taking a bite of the waffle he had brought.

"What did you do?" He winked.

"Nothing like that. He stayed checking up on me in case I hurt my arm." I replied. And then we heard a thud. James had fallen off his chair sleeping.

"Definetely not a morning person." I chuckled.

"Nope. No. Definetely not. Well, I better take this zombie to class. See ya!"


I slowly got up to change clothes. I looked at my bandages and it reminded me of the time I'd broken my rib. Oh how I miss Adrien and Katherine. I grabbed the clothes Lily had brought me amd started taking my t-shirt off.

"Wow, didn't think I'd wake up to that." Sirius said.

"You are supposed to be asleep. Close your eyes." I said.

"Oh come on, I don't get to see a beautiful view everytime I wake up." He whined.

"What's so beautiful about my burnt back?" I said now closing his eyes.

I quickly changed and he opened his eyes again. I layed next to him. I could feel his breaths on my forehead. I kept smiling at the thought that I was close to him. Feeling as safe as ever.


By now I was about healed. McGonagall had called us into an empty classroom because she had an announcment to make. She had sat us girls on one side, the boys on the other.

"The Yule Ball, has been a tradition of the triwizard tournament since it's inception." She started. "On christmas eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well- mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school I expect each and everyone of you." She said as she stared at me and the boys.

"To put your best foot forward and and I mean this literally because the Yule Ball is first and foremost, a dance." And whispers spread around the room with those words.

"Mr. Potter, will you join me please?" She said raising her hand at James. He slowly got up as Sirius looked at me with an evil smirk.

"Put your right hand on my waist." McGonagall instructed him.


"My waist." James said as Sirius whistled twice.

"You're never going to let him forget about this are you?" Lily asked.

"Never." I smirked.

Then I saw Sirius walk up to me. He nodded his head and I grabbed his hand as we walked over to the dance floor.

"Since we're practicing with Minnie, imagine the slytherins.. with Slughorn." I said as we slowdanced.

"Yeah thank god I don't have to practice with him." Sirius said. McGonagall then let go of James and he went ahead and asked Lily. They joined us in the dance floor.

"I just wish she'd understand the undying love James has for her." I said.

"She will one day. I think she's starting to feel the same way." He said as he watched them. "They'll never be as good as us though."

"Of course not." I smiled.


I was sitting with Remus in the library. We had a free period so we went there. It was honestly amazing staying with him there. I don't know how we hadn't been kicked out. But today he looked odd.

"Moony, is everything alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me. Come on, what's up?"


"Why what happened? Did you fight?"

"In a way, yeah.."

"Why what'd you fight about?"

"She uhm.. cheated on me." (NO ALICE SLANDER! I LOVE HER!)

"She did what now!?" I was furious. I got up the table immediately going to find her. I knew she had a free period.

"Wait no!" Remus tried stopping me but it was no use.

"ALICE FORTESCUE!" I shouted spotting her with the girls.

"Oh, hi Y/n. Everything alright?" She asked.

"No. But for you it seems perfect. You're a real peice of shit you know that?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"How could you cheat on Remus and go live your day like nothing happened!?"

"Wait you cheated on Remus? You said he broke up with you!" Marlene said.

"He did- I-"

"Shut up!  And you have the audacity to go lie about him!?"

"I'm sorry-"

"Leave, now Fortescue. Before I do something I'm gonna regret." I said as she ran. "Bitch."

"Who did she cheat on him with?" Mary asked.

"I don't know. But I might have an idea."


"Longbottom. They got pretty close."

"Poor Remus." Lily said.

"Thank god she left. I was literally about to punch the living hell out of her."

The bell rang and it was lunchtime. I headed to the Great Hall to meet up with the boys and I shot an ugly look at Alice mouthing the word "cheater" as I passed.

I sat between Sirius and James while Peter and Remus sat on the opposite side. Peter had just finished Care of magical creatures and he complained about the blast ended skrewts and how they grew twice in size.

We were all laughing and cheering. Ivan came up and sat with us a bit later and he was telling us about Durmstrang. He wasn't allowed to tell us the location though. It was so much fun.


I spent all day planning this chapter but I hate it. It's so out of the place and makes no sense.

Thans for reading! Sorry for any grammar mistakes.

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