{12} Afterwards

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I rushed over to the Great Hall hoping to see Lily but she wasn't there. So I decided to go to our dorm. Lucky for me she was right there.

"Lils?"- I said.

"Yeah?"- she said. She was crying.

"Lils you okay? I saw you running."

"Yeah yeah I'm fine."

"Lily you're crying. Come on, you can tell me."

"You know how we saw Severus at the Astronomy Tower?"

"What did he do?"

"The second you left he kissed me."


"He kissed me."

"And what did you do?"

"I ran for it. I couldn't even speak. I'm going to go talk to him though."

"I'll go with you."

Me and Lily rushed downstairs. She wasn't crying anymore. She was mad. James was done for if she found out.

"Severus!"- Lily shouted. "What in the world is wrong with you!? First you tell everyone we're dating, now you kiss me!?"

"Kiss yo- what the hell are you talking about Lily?!"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about. You kissed me! At the astronomy tower!"

At that moment James and Sirius walked in and stood beside me, James on my right, Sirius on my left. James gave Snape a smirk and he noticed it.

"Lily what are- you!"- he said as he pointed at James. "You did this!"

"What the fuck Snivellus! Stop blaming my brother when you make a mistake!"- I said.

"Fuck off, Potter. You know damn well what he did. He wouldn't have done it without telling you."- Snape said.

"Watch your words."- Sirius said pulling out his wand.

"Siri no. Exactly Snivs, I would've known wouldn't I? I wouldn't let him do it if it was going to hurt Lily."- I said.

"Don't lie to me! He pulled my hair at the Three Broomsticks! Then made a polyjuice potion to turn into me!"- Snape said.

"Should I remind you the reason why he pulled your hair?"- I asked. "You cut through Lily's skin with your nails!"

"What? No I did  not!"- he said.

"You didn't?"- and then I pulled her hand and showed it to him and he was shocked.

"That doesn't excuse his behavior and what he did!"- Snape said and I held back James from hexing him.

"Enough!"- Lily shouted. "Stop it Severus! Stop blaming James for everything! Yes, you're enemies but that does not give you the right to blame him for everything you do!"

And then she slapped him across the face. My hand flew to my mouth holding back my laughter. He ran away from us and Lily sat on the ground crying.

"Hey no. Lily don't cry for that old shoe!"- I said sitting next to her followed by James and Sirius.

"He's like my brother! Why would he do that?"- she said.

"Lils, it's okay. He's an idiot."- I said.

"Potte- James. I'm sorry for his behaviour. I really am."- she said looking at James. He couldn't let out a word until Sirius shook him.

"Lily, it's alright."- James said smiling and Lily blushed. I took notice of that and looked at Sirius who also seemed to notice.

And then the bell rang. I was pretty sad because it ruined their moment but I finally got some alone time with the boys not worrying about them making a complete fool of themselves.

"I've got to go."- Lily said.

"Okay Lils goodbye."- I said and I hugged her.

She left.

"So what class have we got?"- I asked.

"Defence against the dark arts."- Sirius said.

"Weird how you don't know? You always do."- James said.

"Oi, I was busy saving your ass."- I said. "Will Remus and Peter join us?"

"Yes."- James said.

"Where were they anyways?"- I asked once again.

"Peter was in detention and I'm guessing Remus was in the library."- Sirius said.

"Oh, alright."

We met up with Remus and I didn't see Peter coming.

"Why isn't Peter here yet?"- I asked.

"He took Herbology instead of this class."- Remus said. "Let's get in shall we?"

We got in class and I sat with Sirius as Remus sat with James.

"Sirius, you know how Rem is a you know what?"- I said.

"Mhm? What about it?"

"Well I was interested in them so I went to-"

"The library."- he said.

"Ha ha. And well they don't attack animals so we could go with him."

"How would that be possible?"

"We can become an Animagus."


"Shhhh. Whisper. We can't risk people finding out."

"Okay sorry. What's an Animagus?"

"An Animagus is a person that can take a form of any type of animal."

"Wow uhm okay. Let's do it."

"It's not easy though. It's going to take a while for the potion to get ready."

"It doesn't matter. I'd do anything for Remus."

"That's my boy."- I said. "I love you Siri."

"I love you too, angel."


Class ended and Sirius had told the rest about our plan. I went to warn them about something.

"Guys."- I said.

"Yeah?"- they said in unsion.

"If we're going to become animagus, we have to get registered. But we can also become illegal animagi. But no one can find out."- I said.

"Yeah alright."- James said.

"Guys you don't have to-"- Remus said.

"I'd die for you Rem, this is nothing."- I said.

We all hugged eachother and went to class. Remus seemed happier than he was.


Sorry for any grammar mistakes. I don't double check. Plus this one is shorter but schoolwork makes it hard. Thanks.

Word count: 888 words.

𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 - 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐁Where stories live. Discover now