{18} Hogwarts Express

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O/n- owl's name


We got on the train and found a compartment we could get on.

"Come, in here." James said.

We all followed him in and took our seats. Remus, James and Peter sat in front of me and Sirius. It was extremely awkward as they were all staring at us with a smirk on their faces.

"Stop staring at us like that." I said.

"You guys are holding hands. Haven't let go since we got on the carriages and haven't even noticed yet. How can we not stare?" James said.

"We're not holdi-" I said as we all looked down and I was in fact holding his hand. "Well, that's interesting."

"It's become a habit. You don't even notice it you just do it." Remus said followed by a laugh from Peter.

"Well it's a good habit then." I said and Sirius smiled at me.

Soon the train set off and we were on the move back to London. We talked about all sorts of stuff and planning meeting eachother throughout summer break.

"You can come over anytime you want." I said to Sirius. "You could even stay in my room if you want."

"He can come over but he is not sleeping with you." James said. Remus and Peter chuckled as Sirius said

"And who's asking you?"

"You are. You really think dad will let him do that sis?"

"Well, I honestly don't but it's worth a try!" I said.

"A try that is going to fail horribly." James chuckled.

"Honestly James, I can always sneak in." Sirius said.

"Why are you guys so determined to sleep in the same room?" James asked while Remus and Peter kept looking back and forth chuckling.

"We are not determined to sleep in the same room!" Sirius said.

"We're determined to annoy you to death!" Sirius said. "Plus I'd rather live rather than be murdered by your father!"

We all started laughing and soon drifted off to another conversation and soon enough we got to Kings Cross. I took O/n on my shoulder, hugged my friends goodbye, gave Sirius a kiss on the cheek and we schedueled a meet up for our group and left to meet our parents.

"Hi mum!" I said. "Where's dad?"

"Hello Y/n, James. Your father is waiting for us at the car. Quick, come on, let's go!" Our mother said.

"Mum I was wondering if Sirius can come over sometimes, you know about his family." James said.

"Of course son, why don't you write a letter to him, he can come next week if you want." Mum said.

"And Y/n wanted to-" he started.

"To buy some new clothes mummy." I interupted him. I grabbed him by the arm closer to me and whispered "Don't even think about it." I then let go and saw our fathers car in the distance.

"Dad!" I shouted running up to him to hug him.

"Hello Y/n." He said hugging me back. "How was school?"

"I'd say good but you know James and his feud with Snape." I said.

"Oh come on it was good for you and you know it." James said.

"And why's that?" Mum asked.

"You know Sirius?" James started and I started backing away knowing what he was about to do.

"Yes he's that boy Y/n danced with at the Black's summer ball." Mum said. "I like that little guy." And a rush of relief went over me but I still kept going back.

"Well let's just say Y/n's got a boyfriend." James said.

"What?" My parents asked in unsion. "Boyfriend as in Sirius is her boyfriend?" Mum added.

"That's the one." James said and my parents turned to look at me but they noticed I wasn't there.

"Wait where is she?" Mum asked.

"Over there." James pointed at me.

"What are you doing over there!?" Dad said.

"And why are you staring at me like that?" James said noticing my furious expression.

"Nobody plans a murder out loud." I said and my parents chuckled.

"Come over here Y/n we've got to talk." Mum said.

"Get in the car first, let's get home." Dad said.

We all got in the car and James mouthed a silent sorry but I wasn't having it. My parents were probably pissed at me.

"Y'know, I'm not mad at you Y/n." Mum said.

"You're not?" I asked.

"No of course not. You're my daughter, of course I'd know when you like someone. I just didn't know when you'd get together."

"Dad?" I asked.

"I don't want you to get hurt sweetie. So please be careful, you're only 14." He said.

"Of course. So he can still come over?" I asked.

"Yes. But, no kissing or anything in front of me." Dad said.

"Trust me dad, you wouldn't want to see that. They've kissed in front of me and-"

"You talk too much brother, it makes me want to rip your tongue apart." I said. We laughed amd talked until we got home. We lived in Godrics Hollow and we had many friends from school who lived there including Remus. He and his family moved here from Yorkshire after his father found a job and opened a shop in Diagon Alley.

I went up my room and there I found my owl carrying a letter Lily had wrote to me.

Dear Y/n,

I know we just finished school, but my mother has asked me to invite some of my friends for a little party we are throwing. Your friends can come too. Parents are invited aswell. The party will be held next Friday.

Love, Lily Evans.

"A party?" I thought to myself. "Mummy! Lily's family is throwing a party and she's invited us all!"

"Is that so? When's this party?" James asked.

"Next Friday. She said you could come too." I said. "Mum can I get a new dress?"

"Of course sweetie. I'll tell dad when he get's back from work and we'll go to Diagon Alley."

"Mum I was actually thinking of getting a dress in a muggle shop?"

"Oh, alright."

"We could also inform Sirius at his place! James go get Remus." James got out to inform Remus about the party.

"Alright sweetie, but you know how Sirius' family treats muggleborns." Mum said.

"Yeah but if he comes over now, we don't have to tell them." I said.

"You really like parties don't you? Just like your father." She laughed. "Go get James, let's go pick up your friend."

I went to go get my brother at Remus' house. Greeted his parents and got back home. We ate lunch and waited for our father to come home.


So I know I've changed a few things from JKR's original backstory but I figured this is my fanfic so it's okay if I change the rules a bit.

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