Throwing the empty bottle into the rubbish bin, he turned to look at her. Taking her hand in his, he pull her towards the living room. They both took a seat facing each other.

"I'm calm and faraway enough from the bastard who said those mean things. So want to tell me who it was?" He kept his voice undisturbed in order to get her to talk. She smiles at him bitterly and spoke her mind.
"I know you Jongin. The moment I told you everything, you would do anything within your powers to get him"
"I'm your best friend Nangni, that bastard's words affects you and I know it. If you won't tell me who it was, at least be honest with me about how you're feeling. You know you don't have to act strong in front of me" he caresses her hair softly, eyes focused on her beautiful face.

"Promised me you won't do anything stupid and I'll tell you everything." He nodded. Unsatisfied with his response she spoke again, her pinky finger raised.

"Promise me first" rolling his eyes he grudgingly took her pinky finger in his and spoke the word she wanted to hear.
"I promise. Happy?"
She smile and told him what occurred earlier after she left him and their friends to go to the other VIP room.
"I saw Taemin Oppa, my ex remember? He was with his friends and a girl I assumed his girlfriend by the way she was clinging to him. I act as professional as I could and greeted them politely. Telling them if they need anything to call on the staff waiting outside the door. I left the room and went to my office" she paused and took a deep breath. His hands have move from her hair to rub her back hoping to give her strength.

"I didn't know he followed me. He barged into my office and said those words. He said I'm not woman enough that's why he left me. When I didn't respond he called me a cold bitch incapable of warmth and any man would've broke up with me like he did."

She face him with a sad smile and he couldn't help it but to feel angry on her behalf.
"Nangni, you are the warmest person I have ever met in my whole life. You befriended people without caring about their status. You're kind to animals and kids. Forget him, okay?"
"But he's partially right, I never told anyone before" she paused and look at him not knowing how to proceed. He hold her hand and nodded for her to continue.

"I never get turned on when he kissed me or anything. That was the main reason why we broke up. He tried but I can't seem to get in the mood or whatever it is. Every time he tried to do something more, I would stop him because I feel uncomfortable and uninterested honestly. I guess he is right, something is wrong with me."

His brows creases hearing her words, unable to process what she is confessing.
"So let me get this straight, he didn't know how to seduce and get a woman turned on and blame it on her? Jeez that's the lamest excuse I've heard ever"

She stare at him wide eyes, her lips parted. Obviously she didn't know if a man failed to get a woman turned on it's not necessarily a woman's fault. Sighing he tried to explain to her in the simplest words.

"Nangni, from your story I'll take it that you're a virgin still. So I'll tell you in the simplest way possible. That motherfucker only cares about his needs without thinking about the woman's . Every woman responds differently to sex, a man supposed to find what excites and turned her on. Some may need extra attention and more time to adjust to their sexual needs."

Her eyes blinked several times before she spoke in a breathy voice, marvelling at his revelation.

"Are you telling me nothing's wrong with me?"
He chuckles and released his hold on her hand.
"I'm pretty sure nothing is wrong with you" standing up he went to his mini bar and took out a bottle of red wine. He uncorked the bottle and pour them each half a glass of the dark ruby liquid. He came back to her side with the two glasses and gave her one.

Taking a sip of the fruity slightly dry wine he study her face and noticed the changes in her facial expressions, no longer confused and down he could see a hint of anger in her eyes. He smile and think that's the Nangni I know.

She sip on the wine and stare at the glass underneath the lights, studying the wine colour before smelling it again.
"Italian?" She asked still focused on the wine smells, before taking another sip.
"Yes, Barolo Riserva"
"Mascarello?" She asked again and he stood up to take the bottle from where he left it on the bar and hold it so she can read the labels.
"I knew it. You opened a wine worth 1500 dollars just to make me happy." She smiles at him as he placed the bottle on the table in front of them.
"As expected of Son Naeun, the wine connoisseur. And I opened the wine because the only other alcohol you could drink from that bar is Champagne. It's not like we're celebrating here." He chuckles lightly and stare at his wine glass.
"You should've opened a beer. I could drink those"she pushed her glass towards him asking for refills. He poured the wine for her and lifted his glass and clink it with hers.

They enjoyed their wine in companionable silence before she broke it asking him the thing that bothered her.
"So if I were to find a man that knows his way around, I'll respond differently to how I responded to Taemin Oppa?"
The wine inside her glass swirling following her wrist movements waiting for his answer.
"I think so. How would I know, it's not like I've slept with hundreds of women to make comparison with your situation." He answered cooly.

"You probably slept with more than 10 women since you turned eighteen, and don't deny it. Which is more experience than me. I always thought when we love someone, the feeling of wanting to have sex will come naturally but it never happened to me. I blame myself and as you pointed out, maybe it wasn't me."

"If sex and love come hand in hand, prostitutes would be the most loved women in the world." He chuckles and spoke again seriously trying to make her understand.
"For some sex is just a need. It doesn't mean you have to love someone in order to have mind blowing sexual experience but love does enhance it. Having sex with someone you love sure feel different compared to a one night stand."
"Enough with this talk. Don't you have girl friends to ask about this staff? Or try to google it." He finished his sentence with a shake of his head. He could feel his head getting heavy, the liquors and wine he consumed the whole night starting to have effects on him.

She finished her wine in a single swig and stare at him with a serious expression.
"You know I don't have any other friends except for you and your group. Honestly your group is your friends, they're just so nice to consider me as a friend too."

He hold her hand and intertwined their fingers, giving her a comforting smile he spoke softly.
"And I will always be your friend. You know you can talk to me. Ask me for anything in this world and I would grant them all for you. You know that right?"

She nodded and smile sweetly before standing up and bid him goodnight. She stumble a bit and walk to the guest room unsteadily. He laughed looking at her. She couldn't handle alcohol much but opened a nightclub. The ridiculousness made him laugh again before he took a step into his room.

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