Last but not least, he stare at the beautiful goddess who is also the owner of this club, Son Naeun. Her parents used to be his father's business partners before selling majority of their shares when their two daughters didn't show any interest in the airline business. Naeun have been running this nightclub for well over a year now, many were sceptical when she voiced out her plans and he was one of them but she proved it to them by being now one of the most popular for nightclub goers.

"Nangni, I heard rumours of you opening another branch. Is it true?" He asked her putting down his now empty glass.
"Some people approached me with a proposal for opening a branch, I'm still undecided. I read the proposal and studied the area. It sounds good on papers but I hate having shareholders." She chuckles and look at him. He nodded knowing how Naeun hates having to explain anything to anyone, she probably wouldn't be good with partners.

"I've read the business plans too, it's lucrative for you Naeun-ah. Why don't you just open the branch yourself? If you're short on funds, I could be a sleeping partner" Suho offered.

Naeun laugh before crossing her legs, giving Suho her business like stare.
"Oppa, you handle all my business and personal accounts. Do you think I could, in any way be short on funds?"
The group smile looking at the confidence she possesed.
"You're one hell of a businesswoman. If ever I need someone on board as partner for business ventures, I would probably call you first before any of these guys." Chanyeol said raising his glass in salutation towards Naeun. The rest of the men followed, raising their glasses in agreement.

Shaking her head she stood up and called one of the waiting staff outside of the door, giving him few orders and goes back in to stand behind Kai. Holding his shoulders, she bend down to whisper on his left ear.
"The food and cake is coming, I have to go out for a while and meet some VIPs on the next room"
She stood up straight and spoke loudly for the other men.
"Enjoy your night boys. Go to the dance floor if you need female companions. Hope to see some females around when I'm back. And that goes to you too Kim Kai. Gather some courage will you." She gave his shoulders a massage before walking out of the door.

"If my mother didn't love her as much as she loves me, I probably would have strangled her to death long before our twelfth birthday" Kai spoke in annoyance making his friends to laugh at him.

"Well, she is right. You need to forget the past and move on. You have been single for quite sometime now" Baekhyun voiced out.

"Enough about me. We should focus on our baby Sehunnie. It's his birthday" as soon as he said the words, the door opened. Two waiters came in, one bearing their foods and the other holding a cake with candles lit.

Placing the cake carefully in front of Sehun, the waiters sang happy birthday song with them and left after Sehun blowed the candles.
"Naeun is amazing." Said Sehun admiring the cake.

They continued with eating and drinking when Baekhyun and Chanyeol excuse themselves to go to the dance floor below. Kai sat staring at his glass before moving his gaze to Sehun who is arguing with Suho over something. His mind wander to Sehun's birthday last year when he got dumped by Krystal, the person he believed to be the love of his life. Apparently she was not.

He joined in the heated arguments between his two friends inserting his opinion.
"I think Suho Hyung have a valid argument Sehun-ah. It's beneficial for you to have someone who knows the working of the hotel you're acquiring on board."
"But Kai, she wants to keep majority of the shares. Which means our company doesn't have that much of a power over what is decided. She needs funds from us, hence I offered to let her keep 40% and let my company be major shareholders"
Sehun sounds frustrated over the hotel lines he tried to acquire.
"Which Company are we talking about anyway?"
"The other Oh" Suho said chuckling.
Nodding his head in understanding, Kai stare at Sehun with a smile. Sehun's family Oh hotel lines are well known in Seoul and the big cities like Busan and Gwangju, the other Oh is famous in the provinces, both aren't related except for the last name of the owners and being a big name for hoteliers. If Sehun managed to bring both companies together it will be  merger of the century.

"You can try and court the heiress and be done with it you know. You would be able to acquire her company thru marriage" Suho said jokingly.
"Are you mad Hyung. That girl is so crazy and adventurous. She made a rash decisions on the expansion of one of their Jeju hotel which caused them a major setback in funds" Sehun exclaimed.

"That expansion is what made it possible for you to try a hand in acquiring shares in the company. And from what I read and heard once that expansion is done, the shares will probably triple if not quadruple. She just made a slight error in the budgets if you asked me. The visions she had is nothing short of amazing" Kai add in.

Shaking his head, Sehun gulped down his drink and got up on his feet. Excusing himself he went out in search of Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Lifting his shoulders, Kai poured himself another drink and not interested in joining his friends.
Suho stood up and excuse himself to make phone calls.

Left alone Kai had nothing to do but drink continuously and stopped only to look around the room. He came here so many times, that he was sure he can navigate the room even with his eyes closed. He heard the door opened from the outside. Thinking it to be one of his friends, he didn't bother to turn around until he heard soft sniffles.

Turning his head around, he was surprised to see Naeun standing with her back on the door, silently crying. Standing up he approach her worriedly.

"Nangni, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Nothing" she looked up to prevent more tears from falling and walk pass him to take a handful of tissues on the table to wipe her eyes with. He noticed her hand trembling.

"Nangni, tell me what happened now!" He's angry seeing her cry and couldn't control his voice. She took his glass from the table and filled it with liquors, lifting it to her lips she finished the contents at once. She coughed as the liquor burnt her throat.

"Son Naeun what the hell are you doing?! I'm waiting for an answer here"
"Calm down Jonginie. I'm fine"
"Fine? You just consumed a glass full of alcohol. You don't drink those stuff Nangni"

Holding her hands, he sat her down on the sofa. Looking straight into her eyes before questioning her again.
"Now who made you upset and cry like that?"
"Jongin, am I lacking so much as a girl?"
He pulled his hair in vexation. How is he supposed to answer that, he never thought of her as a girl. To him she is just Son Naeun. His best friend that he knew since they were both in their mother's womb.

Writer's Note: please give this romance fanfic a lot of love ❤️❤️  totally different from my first work because I wanted to challenge myself🙈
Happy birthday to our maknae baby Sehunnie 💃🏻💃🏻

The characters in this Chapter are as following

Kim Jongin /Kim Kai
Kim Junmyeon/ Suho
Byun Baekhyun
Park Chanyeol
Oh Sehun
Son Naeun / Nangni

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