37. I love you

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Chapter 37
Penelope Bonvalets

I opened my eyes. I'm alive.
"Penelope." I looked at Adonis. He was the one who saved me. I sat up.
"So she's awake." I turned to the door. I recognized him as Adonis's grandfather.
I tried to get off the bed a bow but I couldn't.
"Hello grandpa." I bowed my head.
"Look up." He stated and I did so.
"Who are you?" He asked and I glanced at Adonis.
"Penelope Bonvalets."
"How old are you?"
"Who tried to kill you?" I got angry as soon as I heard it.
"Beatrice." I replied.
"She's fine now." Grandpa spoke.
"Thank you so much Grandpa!" Adonis hugged him.
"You better tell her the consequence." He warned. I thanked him as he walked away.

Adonis came and sat next to me.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"How long was I unconscious?"
"Two hours."
We sat in silence for a moment.
"How did you know I was there?" I asked. He hesitated.
"There's a lot that I need to tell you Penelope." He spoke.
"You know my grandfather knows black magic." He spoke and I nodded confused.
"You had a dream a few months ago right? About being burnt?" He asked and my eyes went wide.
"How do you know that?"
"That wasn't a dream. It was something that had really happened."
"What exactly are you trying to say Adonis?"
"Don't panic. Just listen." He held my hand.
"After you died. Beatrice rejected to marry me. She poisoned your dad and made him bed ridden. She made Hercules a drug addict. She locked Steven and Derek in your basement and tortured them. She is a total psychopath. She even killed your mother so she wouldn't give birth to you." He spoke.
I didn't realise I was crying.
"Why - why would she do that?" I sobbed.
"When I discovered her true intentions I was really shook. She even tried to kill me but I escaped.
I came to my grandfather. He turned back time using black magic. It wasn't easy but he did it. I got a chance to save you but I was so guilty I couldn't face you. That day when I came to your house I was really happy to see you alive. I'm really sorry Penelope." He spoke.
I am more shocked now.
"Didn't I die this time as well?" I asked. He sadly nodded.
"What happened this time?"
"I tied that red thread to your wrist. That didn't let your soul leave your body. Then grandpa took care of the rest." He replied and I looked at the red thread around my wrist.
"I really owe you a lot Adonis."
"You don't. I was such a fool. I couldn't see what's real and what's not. Please forgive me for doing all that to you Penelope." He spoke.
"I forgive you." I replied.
He was crying and so was I. He wiped his tears.
"You should probably head home. Your dad and brothers would probably be worried. And yea Sebastian. He almost killed himself." He spoke.
"What!" I exclaimed.
"You were dead and he looked really shocked. If Hercules hadn't been there he would have probably stabbed himself." He spoke.
I was so angry at Sebastian right now. How can he do that to himself.
"Take me home quickly." I got off the bed. The would on my stomach hurted a little.
He drove me back home.
"Penelope!" Dad hugged me. This is really the first time he has done this. I hugged him back tightly.
"Are you alright?" He asked holding the sides of my head. I nodded.
I hugged my brothers as well.
"Thank you so much Adonis. Your grandfather saved her." Hercules spoke.
"It's nothing." Adonis smiled.
"Where's Beatrice?" I asked.
"In the mental hospital. She has gone crazy." Steven replied.
"Princess." We turned to Sebastian. He walked closer.
The first thing I did was to slap him. He looked at me surprised.
"How can you even think about killing yourself?" I yelled. He was shocked then he smiled. I hugged him and he hugged me back tightly.
"I love you. I love you so much!" He spoke holding me tighter.
"Me too." I whispered.
He pulled back.
"I clearly saw that you weren't breathing. You looked-" He stuttered.
"I'm fine now. Look I'm standing right here." I held his face.
"I was really scared." He held my hand.
I smiled.
I heard someone clear there throat.
I turned to dad.
"So young man we need to have a talk." Dad told Sebastian.
"Nothing serious. Just a father and son talk." He replied.
"Look how protective she is." Hercules spoke and the others burst into laughter.
Sebastian smiled and held me. I just blushed.


Three more chapters to go!!
Sorry for not updating. I was really unwell and had no energy to write. I'll post the next chapter real soon:)

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