12. Sports Day‐3

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Chapter 11
Penelope Bonvalets

I put the photo in my back pocket and walk to our stall.

"Girl!" Nixie hugs me.

"What happened?"

"You won't believe!" She's literally jumping, Julia rolls her eyes at Nex.

"Daniel and Xavier came to get the templates. They were the ones who were distributing it." Nixie exclaims.

"And guess what? We don't have any cupcakes left. Every cupcake sold out!" Julia sighs.

"That's great." I grin.

"Pen." I turn to Steven. Looks like he just got off work. I have to cross check to see it it's really him.

"What are you doing here?" I walk to him.

"Am I late?" Derek comes running behind him. He was still wearing his police uniform. Have they both gone insane!

"Who are they?" Julia asks eyeing Derek's uniform.

"My brothers." I reply and they both grin. I'm sure they have gone crazy.

"Why are you two here. Like this?" I ask.

"To buy the cupcakes." Steven says glancing behind me at the stall.

"We sold everything." Julia says sadly.

"No!" Derek exclaims and flops on the bench nearby.

"Not even–" I shake my head before Steven completes his sentence. He sits besides Derek.

It looks like they both ran here. Just for the cupcakes?

"Your brothers are hot." Nexie whispers eyeing Derek, I shrug.

"Is this stall there tomorrow as well?" Steven asks.

"Yup. We open at 11." Julia smiles.

"Fine. You're done here?" Derek asks. I glance back at the guys who were done packing.

"Yeah . . . ."

"Let's go home together then." Steven gets up.

"Sure." I hug Julia and Nexie and wave at the guys before taking my things and walking to my car. Steven's car is behind and Derek's bike besides my car.

We park and walk in.

"Why do you guys want to eat cupcakes so bad?" I ask. They both look at each other nervously.

"Herc brought the cupcakes to the office. We went to see him." Steven says then looks at Derek to continue.

"He told it was really tasty. He didn't even let us have a bite. We were curious. . . . . Jealous." Derek looks down and starches the back of his head. I look at them unbelievably.

Have they traveled back to when they were 10 or something. I shake my head and walk to my room. I change and walk to the kitchen to I make cupcakes for tomorrow.

I make some extra for Steven and Derek. I don't know why.

Next day I get ready for college. It's Friday and I'm really happy. I walk to the kitchen and see Derek.

"Good morning Penelope." He smiles.

"Good morning Derek." I walk past him to the fridge and take out a box I made for him.

"Here." I give him the box and he take it with surprise.

"You made them for me?" He asks. He does look like a 10 year old now. I chuckle and nod.

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